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I gasp awake, yowling in pain as I start thrashing around. Something is trying to stop me. I don't know where I am. Something's yelling at me. I feel tears blur my vision as my breath comes in sharp gasps.
"...-inetree!" Someone yells. I kick, trying to get away from whatever is holding me. In my blind panic I unsheathe my claws and start trying to scratch whatever in gripping me. I hear a pained yell and am dropped onto the floor. I screech in pain as I land on my hind leg. I try to stand but end up just scrambling away. I scramble backwards as a dark shape moves. I back into a corner shaking. Suddenly the thing gets smaller. I stay trembling in the corner, not daring to move. My leg is throbbing. I can feel the blood flowing from the newly opened gash. I start swaying a bit and black spots cross my vision. I remember where I am.
"B-bi-ill?" I stutter through gasps and tears. I fall limply to the ground. My leg feels like it's on fire. It hurts to even think. The shape, that I now recognize as Bill, moves closer.
"Pinetree? You okay now?" He asks cautiously. He moves closer to me and I see that he has claw marks on his hands and one on his face. I start to tear up again. I try to back away from him only to groan in pain. "Pinetree?"
"D-did I scratch you?" I ask quietly. He doesn't answer and just comes closer, scratching behind my ears. I feel tears start to clump the fur around my eyes together. "I'm sorry. I- I didn't-" I cut myself of and start crying in earnest as everything that has happened starts catching up to my unstable mind. Being transformed into a cat, being attacked by a coyote, that nightmare. I feel Bill wrap his arms around my trembling form and try to push away, but I'm too weak. I've always been too weak. Thoughts that I always try to hide behind a fake smile start to resurface. Bill lays me down on his bed and leaves the room. I'm all alone. Just what I deserve. I bite my front paw trying to muffle the sound of my loud and harsh cries, but only succeed in biting through my skin. I clench my eyes shut. Gosh I'm so stupid. Thinking I could save anyone, protect anyone. Falling in love with Bill. Yes I admit it, I am head over heels in love with Bill. Why would he ever even like me. ME of all people. I hear the door open but ignore it as I continue to sink my teeth into my paw. I hear Bill gasp when he notices what I'm doing.
"Pinetree!? What are you doing!?" He says astonished. I look up at him with wide, but dull brown eyes.
"It's not like it matters," I whisper to myself, barely able to think because of the pain, "It was stupid of me. But that's usual isn't it? I'm always stupid. I'm sorry you have to take care of me Bill. You should just throw me out of the house. Let me get eaten by the coyotes. No one would miss me." I don't notice that Bill has laid beside me until he gently lays a hand on my injured leg and paw. I wince a bit and look over at him. He gives me a small yet sad smile.
"I was waiting to use this for an emergency, but I suppose I can use it now," he mutters quietly as he closes his eyes.
"Bill, what are you-" I cut my self off as my leg and paw are engulfed in a familiar blue flame. I stare in awe and slight fear as the skin begins to heal itself. After a moment more, the blue fades away leaving fully healed skin in it wake. Bill sits up and sways slightly.
"Well, that should do it," he slurs slightly. He moves to get up off the bed but falls backwards onto it, passed out. I stare at him in shock. How long has he been able to use his magic? Why would he waste it on healing me when he could have used even less of it to just heal himself? As I lay there staring at him, he starts to twitch in his sleep. I blink as he rolls onto his side. I cautiously stand up and walk over to him. I look at him and let a small smile drift onto my face. Bill looks so peaceful when he sleeps. His face is free of his usual shit-eating grin. I curl up next to his chest and lick his cheek. It's so warm laying here. I slowly start to drift off. Still asleep, he curls his body around mine slightly and I let out a soft, breathless chuckle. I wish it could always be like this. I wish I could just tell him that I love him.

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