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(Mabel's POV)
I wake up laying on the Mystery Shack porch. Immediately standing up, I realize that I now have four legs instead of two. My eyes go wide as I see my tail. I screech in joy. I'm a cat!!! I start running in a circle for no reason I'm so excited. Then I think of Dipper. Looking around I start to panic a bit when I realize he isn't with me. I start trying to call for him but it comes out as meows. Suddenly the Shack door is thrown open. Grunkle Stan walks out holding a broom.
"Shut it cat!" He yells trying to hit me with the broom
"Grunkle Stan!" I meow, "It's me,Mabel!" He must not be able to understand me, because he continues to try and hit me with the broom. Finally I just run down the stairs and start heading towards town to see if I can find Dipper or anyone who wants a cat.
After looking around for about thirty minutes, I start to get hungry. I find myself in front of Greasy's Diner just as a girl with blonde hair walks out. Pacifica! After Wierdmaggedon we became best friends. She told me she's always wanted a pet, but her parents never let her even look for one. I rush over to her meowing. She stops and looks around then looks down at me.
"Awww hello pretty kitty," she says softly, kneeling down and scratching behind my ear. I start purring and rub against her. She chuckles softy. She picks me up and I nuzzle into her neck causing her to laugh again. "Do you wanna come home with me little kitty?" She asks. I meow in response. She stands up and begins to walk to her house. After a few minutes of her walking and petting me, we arrive at the Northwest Manor. I've started falling asleep as she walks into her room. I vaguely notice that she's laid me one her bed before I fall asleep.

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