Silver Horizons | Epilogue

865 58 14


Words: 77,370

Pages: 200 (how. cool. is. that.)

And if any of you were wondering, I use 1.15 spacing, Times New Roman font, and 12pt font size ;)

This is really rushed! I'm pretty sure I promised you guys an epilogue by Sunday, and lo and behold, it's Sunday! It's 10:00pm, but it's still Sunday! I legit popped this sucker out in 30 minutes. Please no judging the writing. I got what I needed to get out for this chapter, and I left nothing out.

I hope this isn't too confusing. :l There's more information about the next book at the end of the epilogue (:

Please vote and comment since it's the last chapter in Silver Horizons!


After Forest and I’s “deep” conversation (I wasn’t sure if Forest could really engage in a deep conversation), we both retired back to bed.

            When I woke up, I expected to walk into Forest’s room, wake him up, and get started on our so-called game plan that he was so excited for. I expected Forest to be waiting for me, waiting to get our plan started. That was what I expected.

            What I most definitely didn’t expect was to find Forest not in his bed, not in the kitchen, not in the living room, not in my room, not outside, not anywhere.

            Too bad that during the zombie apocalypse, my luck just seemed to run dry.

            “He’s fucking gone,” I breathed out, lightly touching the sheets that were spread across the bed that Forest previously occupied. His sheets were cold, meaning he either didn’t even sleep in them or he’d been gone for a while. “He’s fucking gone.

            “Elijah?” Kyle came up behind me. “Where’s Forest?”

            I screamed. “I don’t fucking know! Where is Forest?!” I screamed again. Louder this time.

            Forest was the one who told me to get up and come and get him when I woke up so that we could work on our plan. If that were the case, then where the fuck was he?

            He was gone, and I had no idea where he went.

            I brushed past Kyle and stomped down the stairs to find Ben and Sam sleeping on the couches in the living room. My running must’ve woken them up because they groggily rubbed their eyes and sat up straight. They glared at me when they saw my fuming form in front of them.

            “Okay, Elijah,” Sam said calmly, “I really appreciate that your boyfriend hasn’t skewered me and my friend here yet, but why the hell are you down here at this time?” He spared a quick glance outside. “It looks like the sun just rose. Why the fuck are you waking us up?”

            I glared at Sam, my eyes hard as stone. “I will wake you up whenever the hell I want to wake you up, you undeserving parasite.”

            Sam rolled his eyes. “I get that you and Forest are having relationship issues, but please, for the sake of my ears, do not take your anger out on me. I mean—“

            “Forest’s gone,” I hissed at him, cutting off his rant.

            Sam’s eyes widened, and that was when Ben decided to speak. “What do you mean Forest’s gone?”

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