Silver Horizons | 14

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Lol okay so I'm like legit 1,000 words away from 50,000 for Camp NaNo. Awesome, right? Lol, anyway. I just finished up this chapter. I hope you're surprised a little bit. It'll be a bit disappointing if you're not at least a tiny bit shocked.

By the way, I really don't know how much longer this story is going to be. There are a few more major events that need to happen, but then it's the end. Everything is going to be a bit climatic and weird from here on out. Just saying (: Thanks for reading this! I really appreciate all the votes, comments, and reads from all of your lovely readers out there. It means a lot to me <3


"This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper." - T.S. Eliot

“It’s a revolution,” Forest said to me once we made it back inside the quarantine. “You know that right? Georgia is starting a revolution against the zombies. She wants everybody here to fight.”

            I sat on my cot and Forest sat on his. “And how would you know this exactly? Did you have a private conversation with the lady herself? She could just be hopeful. Maybe she knows everybody here.”

            “She doesn’t know us,” Forest pointed out.

            I shrugged. “She might’ve just happened upon us, you know?”

            “No,” Forest said, shaking his head. “I know I’m right. This is some type of revolution. She wants to defeat the zombies. Didn’t you hear what she said? ‘This is America, and it’s ours for the taking’? If that doesn’t sound like a battle cry, then I don’t know what is.”

            I had felt quite sarcastic ever since we left the commons. “Yeah, because Georgia and her 200 some odd docile quarantine members are going to take out the entire zombie population.”

            “Hey, if the zombie population can wipe out the human race then there isn’t much that I won’t believe anymore.”

            I groaned, trying to reason with him. There was no way that Georgia was planning an attack on the zombies. There weren’t even that many people. “It’s not possible Forest.”

            “And why not?”

            “Because,” I said, failing to come up with a reasonable explanation. “We’re people. They’re zombies. They eat people. It just so happens that we’re people.”

            “You already said that.”

            “Do I look like I care?”

            Forest sighed. “Look, just hear me out, okay? What Georgia said in the commons… It sounded like she wanted to take over.”

            “Take over what?”

            “You know,” Forest prompted me.

            I thought about it and an idea struck my mind. “The United States? Georgia wants to take over the United States? And what? Rule as president?”

            “Leader,” Forest corrected me. “Ultimate leader. She wants to run the United States.”

            I scoffed. “You really think Georgia can take over the United States? With so many zombies and survivors?”

            “There aren’t many survivors.”

            “Still,” I persisted. “I doubt she can take over and become the ultimate ruler. Unless…” Then it hit me. There was a way that she could take over. The only reasons the zombies were winning the war was because it was extremely difficult to take them out. They were coming at us with full force and in numbers. If they weren’t zombies, then we’d have a better chance at taking them out.

Silver Horizons (Silver Horizons #1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora