Attack on Titan - Monster by Meg and Dia

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Song: Monster by Meg and Dia
Anime: Attack on Titan
Genre: Angst
Characters: Hannah (OC)

His little whispers,
Love me, love me.
That's all I ask for,
Love me, love me.

Love. Thats all Hannah had wanted. She had it, but she lost it. And then he came.

"Its okay, he can't get me. I'm safe, I'm safe."

The little whispers coming from the small form chained to the shadows constantly haunted the guards, and would follow them to their graves.

He batted his tiny fist to feel something,
Wondered what it's like to touch and feel something.

The guards started calming down as her whispers stopped, until...


Suddenly Hannah was on high alert, eyes darting back and forth, seeing things no one else could. She could feel him banging on the door, trying to get out.

How should I feel?
Creatures lie here,
Looking though the window.

Monster. Thats what people called her when they found out. "Monster, monster!" he teased, leaning over her, his hands wrapping around her neck.

"Should I do us all a favour and kill the monster? I could be known as a hero."

"No!" The guards jumped as she screeched out of nowhere, hands pulling against her neck.

Her eyes glanced to the windows, seeing shadowy figures watching her, waiting for something.

That night he caged her,
Bruised and broke her.
He struggled closer,
Then he stole her.

She remembered that night all too well. He struck while she was down, cornered her, bruising and breaking her until she was no longer there.

Violet wrists and then her ankles,
Silent pain.
Then he slowly saw their nightmares were his dreams.

She was in agony, but no one could see that. All they saw was the monster they thought she was. As he watched, his grin grew, seeing their nightmares become his dreams.

How should I feel?
Creatures lie here,
Looking though the window.
Time will,
Hear their voices.
I'm a glass child,
I am Hannah's regrets!

The girl Hannah once was is gone, and what is left is a broken girl. In time they would hear Hannah's voice, but for now all they saw was her. As fragile as glass, she was Hannah's regrets.

How should I feel?
Turn the sheets down,
Murder ears with pillow lace.
There's bathtubs,
Full of glow flies.
Bathe in kerosene,
Their words tattooed in his veins.

By Skyla

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2016 ⏰

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