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I have always just been a tag-along. An annoying little sister. It all started as soon as I could walk and talk. My older brother, Bryan would always hang out with his best friend, Conner. Bryan and Conner did everything together from, video games to sports. They grew up together, since Conner lived across the street. Literally, it was only forty five and a half steps, from my house to Conner's front door. Conner was always at my house, hanging out with Bryan.

Ever since I could walk I followed them around. Conner and Bryan were the same age, both two years older than me. My earliest memory of trying to tag-along with them would have been when I was four. Bryan and Conner were going to have a Nerf gun war, and of course me being the little sister I am wanted to play too.

"I wan play," I said, in the cutest little voice I could manage, in my cutest little dress.

"No," Bryan flat out told me. "This is big kid games, this is war! Not Barbies."

"I wan play," I screamed.

"No," He screamed back.

I ran off crying, to my mom. "Momma momma momma," I tugged on her pant leg.

"Yes darling?" She asked, as Bryan and Conner came running up. Nerf guns in both their hands.

"Byan not let me pay, Erf guns," I cried.

"Bryan, what did I tell you about including your little sister?" She asked.

"But moooooommmm," He complained.

I stood behind mom, while she got onto Bryan.

"No buts. Now include her," Mom told him.

"Fine," He said, angrily. "Come on, Bailey," He was mad, but I didn't care.

Once we were back outside, Bryan said, "You can only play if you can break this gun," He handed me a small gun, about the size of a teenagers hand.

"Ok," I took the gun from him.

"You only have one shot," He told me.

With that I threw the gun as hard as I could against the Garage door. It fell back to the ground, in pieces.

"That's not really what I meant, but whatever," Bryan said, angry that I beat his challenge.

The only other times like that I remember, was when I was eight, and they were ten, and I tried to skateboard, with them, I fell of the skateboard and cried. They laughed. I also remembered them, planning a sleepover at Conner's house. They were twelve. They were going to play a videogame that my mom, wouldn't allow at all. Of course I wanted to tag-along, and they told me what they were going to do, to try and scare me off. I ran inside and told mom. They both got in trouble. It turns out Conner wasn't supposed to play a game that was rated 'M' either. My mom had grounded Bryan, and told Conner's mom, who ended grounding him too. They spent two weeks apart, you would have thought they died. For the week after that they would not stay apart for one second. They had the best friendship one could hope for. Who would have thought I would be the one to get between them, because honestly that wasn't my goal.

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When I was twelve, I began to hate Conner. Or at least I acted like that towards him. Every time I would be in the kitchen, and he was over, and he would come in the kitchen to get a drink, he would say 'hey', or 'what's up?' I would either ignore him, or give him the rudest answer back I could think of. I mainly tried to avoid him. I mean ever since that one day, it seemed like I ran into him everywhere, ever since I started avoiding him. I wished that one day had never even happened. That one day that drives me crazy. That one day I wish I could forget. That one day I got a crush on Conner Miller.

My brother's best friend.

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Hi, everyone! Below you will find the cast members! ;-) But.... These people aren't exactly what I imagine the people in the story to look like, sorry. They are the closet thing I could find, in famous people. So yes they are pretty close to what I imagine but not exact.

So thanks to everyone who likes my story.

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