When I got my sandwich I was headed out of the deli, the unnerving feeling that someone was watching made me stop as pedestrians busied themselves by me, you're being paranoid....

I crossed the street and climbed the wide steps that covered the entire front of the building, the security at the front was there as usual, making my way over the marble floor I was greeted by Lindsey one of the lawyers in training like me, her red hair in a pony tail today as she joined me in the elevator.

"Could you believe the day I'm having, the lawyer I'm training with has me running around like I'm his assistant instead of giving me a taste of the big cases". She sighs heavily.

"I would tell him about it if I were you".

"I know right?, I can't wait to get my hands on the big cases like Gerardi's or the Minnelli even the Gravano's if they'll let me".

A cough followed by another...

"You okay?". She asked.

I took a deep breath trying to steady my breathing.

"Fine.. I'm fine".

The elevator opened on my floor and I got giving her a quick wave, I've gotta get my shit together I can't let just hearing his name send me off the deep end.

I tried my best to pay attention but I failed miserably..

After two weeks of bumping into Mr.hottie In the hall....

"This is nice". We were sitting inside a restaurant, it wasn't a date just two people getting to know each other...

"I thought you'd like it here". He sipped on his drink.

"So you're a doctor?"

"Says so on the certificate". He joked making me smile.

He was actually really nice to talk with making cute jokes every now and again, I could get use to this but we'll take it slow for now.


My eyes drifted to the pregnancy test that read positive on the nightstand, a smile on my face as I looked at it, I hope it's a girl.

Looking up I'm meet with dark eyes staring back at me, his eyes moves from the test to mine.

"How the hell did you get in here?".

"You're pregnant?". His voice held hurt and shock in it.

"That's none of your freaking business how did you even find me?".

He walked into the room making me stand.

" There's no way you could possibly go that I won't find you -

"How did the doorman let you in?".

"Why wouldn't he I'm a tenant here after all".

I gasped, son of a bitch.

He looked different, a small scar on his hand as though he got burnt, eyes darker more angrier but fuck it if he didn't look like a walking sex magnet.

He moved closer to me, too close.

"You're pregnant?". He asked again.

I didn't reply and a look of pain flashed over his face.

" I'll take care of it like it were mine I promise just give me another chance -

"To do what kill me and the baby the second you think I touched your money? -

" Why didn't you just tell me Annaliese, I would have protected your parents-

I scoffed.

"You know what Alex I don't need you or your help in fact I get why you were gonna marry that bitch she's just like you".

" But it's you I want -

"Bullshit Alex, you tried to freaking kill me!".

He shut his eyes pacing the room.

" Who is this guy, does he know how lucky he is?".

"Alex you need to leave -

"Just tell me you'll let me take care of you and the baby, please". He begged.

I heard a knocking on my door and I slid past him to see who it was. When I opened it there stood Garrett looking dashing as usual.

"This him?". I heard from behind me making me turn and give Alex a glare, but I knew that look, he gave Miguel that look before he killed him and I'll be damn if he kills this guy off of more jealousy.

Let the pissing contest begin.

So someone's expecting.... Or are they?, lol I mean that could be anyone's Annaliese would never get herself knocked up in just two weeks with a hot doctor...or would she....

Genevieve called in a favor from dear old dad I wonder what that could be.

Sorry for the late update.

The Gravano'sHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin