Day Fourteen

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Of course, this is all what happens after I have found out that the beings coming to me were the natives of the island. The raptins immediately take me up to their town - it takes a good number of the smaller saurians to carry me there - and place me in a fire-free hut.

Most of the fires have gone out, and only a trickle or three remain. I attempt to speak to the raptins passing by my new accommodations, mentioning my dire need to speak to Sendaar, but I don't think they can hear me or their headed to help fight the fire, so they really don't give a hoot about their new mouth to feed.

I eventually give up, getting a good look at my new surroundings. Although it isn't as lavished as Milah's home, one must say it has its own charm to it. Looking closer I notice I must be in the house of an alchemist.

Bottles of, for lack of better word, potions are strung about the shelves and herbs, along with other ingredients, sit upon a large table in the other room. From what I can see in the next room, it looks like a kitchen. Most probably where he or she makes his brew.

All I can hear are the muffled conversations outside the structure. 'Maybe if I start moaning, people would listen to me,' I laugh at the thought. I'm not much of a trickster, but I'd really appreciate someone getting me to Sendaar.

Finally, a woman enters the house. Most likely the alchemist herself, as she shows herself to the kitchen of sorts and starts to work. I can not give many details of her appearance, for it is dark and all I see are definite shapes.

I'm reminded of the tunnel vision I had earlier and the feeling it gave me made me wince. The raptess turns from her work with a bowl of some sweet smelling sludge. "Eat."

I do as she says. 'What a deceiving dish!' Almost gagging at the bitter and curdled flavor. It looks like she's smiling, knowing what my reaction would be. She goes back to her kitchen and returns with a cup. "Drink."

I'm very wary this time, only taking a small sip. Luckily, it's just pineapple juice and I guzzle it down, not knowing how thirsty I truly am.

"Sleep." Her single worded sentences make me wonder if these raptins can fully communicate in a dialect or if she's just making it hard for me to start a conversation. As if she knows I am a blabbermouth.

The raptess' frame leaves the room and I have no other choice but to lay my heavy laden head down and rest.

I awake to a startling sight. Let's just say privacy is not in their vocabulary. Many different breeds of civilized raptors stare at me; they're basically in my face. We all jump back, startled by one another.

"I need to see Se-"

"Who are you, and why did you lead that horrendous manticore to our peaceful city?" The mayor, by which I can tell from his formal wear of long jacket and jeweled cuff links, interrupts me.

His mottled brown skin and red highlights give me the impression of an exploding volcano. He has an average thick tail, used for balance of course, and his innermost toe on each foot has an extravagant sickle like talon protruding from it. His eyes are ocean blue slits, burning right through me.

I blurt in reply, "Enoki Verdell Gryphoclaw. I was sent here by Lady Asha f'er Sendaar. He is to guide me to the Spires to b'speak a friend of the Lady of Hikari's." Why did I bother to add in my middle name? It's not like it adds any pertinent information.

He strokes the muddy red feathers that cover his neck. "The book, where is the book?"

It appears the manticore came here first in hopes to find me and this dumb journal. "Right here, sir." The journal makes a quick appearance out of my satchel and I show it to him.

Chronicles of Yugure: Plummeting into Uncharted DepthsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu