“I want you conscious when I tell you everything” he added.

She took the glass and sipped from it. She needed distraction from her loud beating heart.

“First…” he cleared his throat upon taking his seat right across her, the table in between them. “I think I have made it clear that I...” he looked straight at her eyes “Love you… but in case you didn’t hear me… I’ll say it again… I love you.”

Her heart jumped… no really… it did! She placed the glass down on the table to prevent her from dropping it to the floor.

“Second, you have already agreed to be mine so I don’t want you seeing anybody else… especially that boy”

Her eyes rolled. “Yeah, I agreed because you played me” she hissed

He ignored her sentiment and continued. “Third… we have to clear things out between us”

“Oh yes please…” she sarcastically commented

Still, ignoring her response, he leaned closer. “I didn’t want to leave but I had to…” he started.


He took out his wallet and flatly laid an old picture on the table.

She felt pained. Even after everything, she could still remember what happened that night. Bittersweet memories…

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