5 - pieces from her mind

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(i loved the movie.. who else did??? haha..)

I-da-idan” mumbled the little child. Her parents looked at each other upon hearing her speak.


A 9 year old boy kneeling in front of the little girl chuckled. “What did she say ninang?”


Charlene Tua shrugged her shoulders and knelt along with him “Baby… what did you say?” she asked her daughter.


Sarah, with her tiny fingers touched the boy’s cheek “Idan”


Lloydie looked at Charlene questioningly.


“I think she just named you…” said Christopher Tua who was standing close to the three.


“I’m not Idan…” the boy said and turned to Sarah. “Bebe… I’m your kuya Lloydie”


The little girl touched his face again “Idan… Idan… Idan”
















“Ohmygaaaahd!” shrieked KC “He’s Idan? THE Idan in your life?”

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