"You stupid!" Tiffany yelled again, hitting Taeyeon's chest with her both hands.

Taeyeon just received the punch and looked down, "Yes, I know I'm stupid."

"Yes, you are really stupid!" Tiffany continuously hit Taeyeon's chest. "You stupid! You dumb! You pervert! You midget! You dork! You-" Tiffany stopped punching but grabbed on Taeyeon's jacket instead. "I hate you!"

The sentence tugged Taeyeon's heart again. She felt tears coming out of her eyes, just let Tiffany unleashed her anger at her.

"I hate you for not telling me this earlier..." Tiffany put her head on Taeyeon's shoulder. "I hate you for making me feel like this..." her yelled became a whisper.

Taeyeon knew the girl was sobbing on her shoulder. She wanted to hug the latter but she decided not to.

"I hate you for making me love you..."

Taeyeon couldn't believe what she just heard. Tiffany lifted her head and looked at Taeyeon who had a confused look on her face.

"You heard me? I love you too, Kim Taeyeon."

Taeyeon blinked her eyes twice, still couldn't believe what she just heard. She shook her head, "Did you just say something, Tiffany? Or my ears is playing trick on me?"

Tiffany mouth curled into a small smile at Taeyeon' dorky reaction, "I said..., I - LOVE - YOU - TOO!" she pronounced the word one by one clearly.

The blonde still stared at her , blinking her eyes once, twice, thrice. She finally reacted, "I-Is this for real? You –you love me too Tiffany?"

"Yes, I love you too Kim Taeyeon. Still didn't believe me? How about this?" Tiffany leaned forward and kissed Taeyeon's lips briefly.

"Now you believe me? It's not a dream Kim Taeyeon."


"Ahhhh.... I think I still I didn't get you. How about one more time? Make it a little bit longer and use your tongue as well," Taeyeon suggested innocently.

"Yah! You still a byuntae inside!" Tiffany playfully flicked the blonde's forehead.

Taeyeon chuckled and encircled her arms around the latter's waist and pulled her in closer.

"No. I seriously, hardly believe this. Do you really love this Kim Taeyeon who is a pervert and also a player, Tiffany? You didn't say that to get your revenge back to me right?" Taeyeon asked with serious face.

"No, I didn't lie to you. I do really love you, Taeyeon the pervert, maybe. Taeyeon the player, no."

"EHHH? What does it mean?"

"It means that you must promise me to stop seeing other girl Kim Taeyeon. Can you do it?"

"For you, I will do anything! From now on I will only see you as my only girl in this world!"

"Good. Make sure you keep your promise."

"I promise. But seriously Tiffany. I always thought this moment will only happen in my dream."

"Hm? What happened in your dream?"

"You know, I dreamt that I said I love you and you said you love me back and then we kiss and make out and went to my room and –" Tiffany cupped Taeyeon's mouth to prevent the latter from continuing her story.

"You not only have dirty mind but have dirty dream as well. You can tell me the rest later. Now let's go."

"Where to?"

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