"Ouchhhh."Ken whines.

"Hey guys....he look familiar."I said while pointing to the body.

"Wait...he is....THAT'S LEO!"Hongbin shouted.I widen my eyes and look and he is right,it is Leo.

"Okay guys,Hongbin sit at the back.I'm gonna get him and carry him to the car."I said and Hongbin nodded.

I open the door and step outside.Immediately drenched with the rain water but i didn't care,i carry Leo and place him on the seat where Hongbin previously seated.

I closed the door and hop in to the driver seat.I'm drenched in water and my car seat are all wet.I sighed and start driving.

"N hyung,here's some dry cloths."Ravi said while tossing me a dry cloths.

"Thanks."I said and try make myself dry.

"What happen to him?"Hongbin asked me and i shrugged.Suddenly i heard Ken gasp loudly and i immediately stopped the car and look at him.

"What?What happen?"I asked him panickly,even Hyuk who sits beside me turn around.

"Look at his face and shirt.It's blood."He said and i widen my eyes once i realised it's true.

I quickly drive and just a few minutes later we all arrived in our dorm.I carry Leo carefully anf immediately run to the dorm.

I lay him on my bed and soon the other arrived with some extra cloths,towels and water.

We all help undress,even though it's a bit akward but we finally made it to change his cloths.

We lay him on my bed and go to the couch to have some serious talk.

"What happen to him?"Hyuk immediately asked and we all shrugged our shoulders.

"If he wants to stay here then let him be."I said and they all nodded.

"You will sleep with him though~~~"The nosy Maknae tell me.

"No.I will sleep on the couch."I said and they all shook their head.

"You have extra place to sleep,so why bother sleep in the couch~~~"Damn you Ravi.

"Okay guys let's stop teasing him."Hongbin said and i sighed in relief.

"So what do you guys wanna do?"I asked them.

"Hmmmmm.....HORROR MOVIES!!!"Hyuk shouted and me,Ravi,Hongbin widen our eyes and said "NO!" together.

"Is someone scared?"Ken asked and we all immediately shook our head as 'no'.

"Okay then it's settled."Hyuk said and before we could even protest,Ken has already putting 'The Forest' in the CD player.

During the movie is playing,me,Ravi and Hongbin keep on screaming because the three are not fond of horror movies and Ken & Hyuk know but they still purposely doing it.

When the movie is done,the three of us sighed in relief while Hyuk and Ken just laugh at us,but their laughing suddenly stopped.

Leo's POV

I woke up due to my head throbbing like crazy.I stand up and immediately hold the door handle as a support.

'Where Am i?' Was the first thing coming out to my mind.

I open the door and see 5 boys watching some tv and i recognise one of them is N.

Ken and Hyuk was laughing then when they look at me they stopped.

N noticed that and immediately run to me.I notice that i'm not wearing my cloths.

"Are you okay?Do you need some water?Medicines perhaps??"N asked me tons of question which only makes my headache worst.

"Leo are you okay?"N asked me and i shook my head.

"I think his head hurts.Hyuk go grab some pills!"Hongbin said and Hyuk nodded.

When Hyuk gave me some pills and a glass of water,i immediately swallow all of them quickly.And few moments later my head doesn't hurt that much while N help me to sit on the couch.

"Are you okay now?"N asked me and i nodded.

"So....what happen?"Ken asked me.I can't tell them.

"Nothing."I lied.

"Really?Your body are full of bruises and there are blood on your cloths."Ravi said and i sighed.

"I will tell you when the time is right."I whisper and they all sighed.

"Can i-Can i stay here?Just for tonight."I whisper to N and he look at me and smiled.

"Of course you can.You don't have to ask!"He said cheerfully and i nodded.

"Where's the bathroom?"I asked them and they point the a door beside my room and i nodded.


Leo will be staying here for a night!I'm so happy!

"Someone is happy~~~~"Ken teased me and i groan in annoyance.

"Yeah because Leo is staying here for the night~~~~"Hongbin continues and i groan again.

"Not again guys!"I said and they all laugh.

When Leo get back to us,he said that he wanna sleep soon and asking where should he sleep.

"You could sleep in my room for tonight."I said and he shook his head as 'no'.

"This is your dorm,i'm gonna sleep in the couch."He said and i widen my eyes.

"Nonono,you're injured!You take the bed and i will sleep in the couch."I said and he sighed and nodded.He immediately slam the door and we all sighed.

"Night guys.I'm sleepy."I said and immediately sleep on the couch,hoping tomorrow Leo will join us skipping school together.

I feel so sad that i have to write Leo abused in this story :'(

But things will better i promise(maybe).

Steel Heart (VIXX NEO) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now