Visit Walmart!

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1. Ride a bicycle throughout the store.

2. Eat all you can get in the bakery store then sweep the store when you can't pay.

3. Fill the trolley with goods from different isles then leave it and fill another one.

4. Move a "Caution Wet Floor" sign to an area with a carpet floor.

5. Take all the wheel chairs and drag race with friends!

6. Dart around the store intently, humming the Mission Impossible theme.

7. Go in the toy section and get all of the play-dough out and make a sculpture.

8. Shake as many sodas as possible in the drinks isle.

9.  Purposefully use up all of the toilet paper in the store's restrooms and write "Haha, you're f*cked now!" on each bare toilet paper roll.

10. Hide in clothing racks and shout "Pick me!" at browsers.

11. Follow someone random who first walks into the store, and stay about 5 feet behind them until they leave.

12. Slip on soda you spilled as sue, landing you in jail :)

13. Eat everything in the 'tasting' corner.

14. Say to an employee, "Code 3 in Housewares," and watch what happens.

15. Put random items in people's carts.

16. Grab random stuff out of people's carts and put them in your own.

17. Pull the fire alarm just for the fuck of it.

18. Taunt the obese security guard then run, laugh and make funny faces as he tries to catch up to you.

19. Buy a crap load of groceries and pay for all of them using nothing but pennies.

20. Sit near the entrance and beg people for money.

21. Put Mentos in the Coca-cola!

22. Put your face up to the security camera and use it as a mirror while you pick your nose.

23. Randomly wave at people.

24. Smile creepily at people and stare at them until they look away.

25. Poke someone then point at a random person when they look for the culprit who poked them.

26. Set all the alarm clocks to go off at five-minute intervals.

27. Set up a tent in the camping department and invite others to join you.

28. Stand by one of the cashiers, and continuously stare at the customers.

29. Ask to see the store manager, and ask "Could ya change my dollar to 4 quarters?"

30. Leave a trail of tomato juice leading into the men's room.

31. Sneak up behind someone, and gently put your hand on their shoulder while saying in a high pitched voice, "Hello, there."

32. Go to the customer service desk and ask to put a bag of Skittles on layaway.

33. Attempt at creating a spontaneous conga line by grabbing someone's shoulders randomly.

34. Grab a Hat off the rack, juggle products in the aisles, and hold out the hat for tips! Then use the tips to buy the hat.

35. Sit at one of the displayed chairs and doze

36. Buy bread then throw breadcrumbs in the fish tanks.

37. While handling guns in the hunting department, ask where the antidepressants are.

38. Wail that you lost your mommy in the store and ask for announcements.

39. Skateboard between the isles.

40. Stand in the middle of the store and start singing, "Hit me baby one more time!"

41. Complain to all the employees that there aren't any walls for sale.

42. Buy 1 grape and pay the clerk with a 100$ bill.

43. By a bag of marbles and scatter them on the floor.

44. Go to the gamers section and yell, "Pikachu I choose you!"

45. Go around and ask people where they got their shoes. After hearing their reactions, say: "Bazinga. I don't care."

Haha lol Spring break here I come!!

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