A/N: 13 Questions

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Sooo, I was tagged by @Starskyer to do a 13 questions thing, so here it goes!

1. Cat or Dogs, which do you prefer?

A: Probably dogs, mostly cause my dog is the fluffiest and sweetest dog I've met, and my cat IS cute, but she bites so much!!

2. If you got your hands on a time machine and could only use it's power once, what would you do and why?

A: Hmmmmmmm.............. Honestly, I got no idea. There are so many things I could do, I just dunno what!

3. What's your favorite book genre?

A: Adventure, comedy and action books

4. What would you rather be, a werewolf, a vampire or a unicorn

A: WEREWOLF!!!!!!!! I am already a wolf after all ;)

5. Have you ever accidentally sent a text to the wrong person?

A: Yah, I have. Hate doing it!!!

6. Favorite way to relax?

A: Listening to music or having a shower

7. Most frustrating moment?

A: Every time the internet stops working on my computer.......... Which happens very often -_-

8. Have you ever called a teacher by the wrong name?

A: There have probably been a few times I accidentally called a teacher 'Mum'.......

9.  What's your favorite book at the moment?

A: Hunger Games....... But that's the last thing I read that's an actual book, And I haven't read a book in a while

10. Someone offers you the lead role in a new comedy movie at the same time another producer offers you a co-staring role in a romance comedy with One Direction. Which do you choose?

A: THE FIRST ONE!!! Sorry, but I really don't like One Direction

11. Favorite song?

A: Hell To Your Doorstep!!!!!! I don't care if it's from a musical!!!!!!! It's so epic!!!!!!

12. Poof! A genie appears and offers you three wishes! What are your wishes? (You can't wish for more wishes)

A: 1. All diseases are forever cured.

2. To actually be my wolf OC for 24 hours XD

3. That all people had the power to FLY!!

13. How did you find out about Wattpad?

A: A friend introduced me to it.

Now for my questions!

1. Favorite YouTuber?

2. Cake or Ice Cream?

3. Would you rather have the power of teleportation or invisibility?

4. Favorite Singer/Band?

5. If you could be on X Factor or (Insert Country Here) Got Talent, what would you join?

6. If you could get rid of ONE disease forever, what disease would it be? (No one would have the disease again)

7. What's your dream job?

8. Ever had a really awkward date?

9. Funniest autocorrect you've read or has happened to you?

10. Favorite Game?

11. What do you think is the most annoying fandom? Why?

12. If you were  reincarnated into ANY animal (Even including mythical creatures, cause why not) What would it be?

13. How did you find my account? (FireWolfGoddess)

Kay, now I want anyone who reads this to answer my questions HONESTLY! Also, Mention me so I can read your answers. Thank you, and seeya!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2016 ⏰

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