Part 11- Remembering

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Maddie's P.O.V

I shortly run after Foxy, leaving the rest with an unconscious psychopathic murderer. That sounded a lot better in my head.

I find Foxy crouched at the back of the cove, head between legs. I hesitantly sit beside him. He doesn't speak, nor move.

"F-Foxy? What's wrong?" I ask. He just sits there and stares at me, before sighing.

"Many years ago, before I was put into this suit. I was at a party....... My brothers party" He started. He had a brother? I nod, allowing him to continue......

Flashback (Foxy's P.O.V)

It was his birthday, and my friends and I had to go to it. To be honest, I never treated my young brother that well, always scaring him and stuff. He'd been crying all week, not wanting to go.

"Your brothers kind of a baby, isn't he?" My friend with the Freddy mask asked. We were all wearing the animatronics mask's. I had the Foxy head.

"Yeah. It's kind of embarrassing" I reply bluntly. An idea had popped into my head.

"Hey, why don't we get him up and close with the animatronic?" The others nodded mischievously. My brothers eyes widened in fear.

"No, please!" We ignored his plead, grabbing him towards the golden robots.

"No! I don't want to go!" He pleaded again.

"Hear that? The little man wants to get even closer!" My friends roared with laughter, as we made it right in front of the robots.

"I think he wants to give Fredbear a big kiss" one of my friends said. I smirked. We'd just throw him at the robots feet, no more, no less.

"On the count of three! One..... Two...... THREE!!" We threw my brother and he went flying! All the way into the bear suits mouth. There were a few moments of no movement, before the crunch of flesh filled the room. I looked up, to see the bear mouth closed, My brothers head crushed.....

End of Flashback....

"After that, my father hid in the Fredbear suit, and you know the rest" He finishes, tears forcing to be free from their sockets. He looks down, just waiting for an answer. But I don't answer.

I pull him into a tight hug. He seems shocked at first, but then accepts the hug, hugging back.

"I am so, so sorry Foxy" I whisper.

"You don't need to be, it was my fault we're all like this" He replies. We stay silent for a while, before something clicks in my head.

"Wait, I thought it was the Golden Freddy suit that was used to kill you guys"

"Yeah, golden Freddy is Fredb-" Foxy is cut off by screaming....... Child like screaming. We leap to our feet, and follow the trail.

Foxy's P.O.V

We are led back to the main area, where dad is still unconscious. Everyone is crowding Gold, who is screaming......... Like a child.

"Uh, what's going on?" Maddie asks. Jayme shrugs.

"We were just talking before he started acting like this"

I walk in front of the crowd to get a better look at Gold. His normal unamused eyes are now filled with fear. He looks up at me, and goes completely frozen.

"J-James?" His voice brings shivers down my spine. That sounds just like.......

My brother?

Jayme's P.O.V

"Foxy, you alright?" I ask, waving my hand in front of his face. His expression stays blank, as he looks at the frightened gold. He's actually kinda cute when he's scared......... Uh.....

"How do you know my real name? Well, I mean you're technically my uncle Gold, but why the voice of my....... Of my...." His face goes from confused, to shocked, to sad. Okay, now I'm REALLY confused.

"Your little brother? Danny?" Gold replies. Okay, now I know this is a dream. Foxy smiles, as Gold- or Danny..... Leaps into his arms

Foxy's P.O.V

A huge smile plasters on my face. It feels good to be with my brother again..... Even if my Uncles soul is there as well. I pull away from Danny. The usual pitch black eyes I see on Gold, are now a normal Hazel colour.

"I missed you so much...... I am so, so, SO sorry for what happened" I say, tears falling to the hard ground.

"It's all in the past, I can forgive you" He replies, smiling.

"Uhh....... Does anyone mind telling us what the HELL is going on!?!?" Mangle asked in an annoyed tone.

"Follow me, and I shall explain everything!~" Chica sings, dancing over to the stage. I look over to where dad should be laying and..........

"Umm, where's he gone?" Lizzy's asks. I shrug. He can't of gone far, could he?

I look back to Danny, and immediately stop.

"DANNY BEHIND YOU!!!!!!" But it's too late. The knife is already through his chest. Danny screams in pain, which slowly turns back to golds. Dad runs off, Maddie following.

"I'll be back!" She yells. I race over to gold.

"What the fuck just happened" He murmers.

"OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED!" Jayme screams, racing over towards Jayme. I quickly explain, while Bonnie bandages the wound.

Maddie's P.O.V

I race after Vincent, heart pounding. This bastard is nuts! He just stabbed his son/brother for god sake!

But he's also fast, and it's not long before I lose him. He'll come back, he will.

By the time I'm back at the pizzeria, it's in chaos. Gold is on the ground, close to death. Foxy and Jayme are both at his side. Who knows why Jayme is so freaked out, but it must be hard for Foxy. I kneel by them.

"It's still bleeding, we need to do something!" Jayme says woringly. Okay, now it makes sense; she likes him.

Believe me, I've had a boyfriend who was hurt, and I sounded just like that.

"Can't you do something with your machine Maddie?" Mike suggests. That's it!

"It's risky, but maybe if we turn him back into his robot form, he'll heal"

"Sorry, but won't I try killing you in the form?" Gold groans. I just shrug, as I place the helmet on his head.

"You sure about this? Could be dangerous" Freddy asks.

"If he turns on us, you'll still have the strength of an animatronic, just hold him down till 6AM" I reply, pressing the button. The light illuminates the room.

Once the light is cleared, the most weirdest thing is standing I front of me

Yeah, I should've left the cliffhanger at the whole brother thing or stabbing, but I wanted this to be longer to make up for being off for so long. Anyway, basically Gold/Fredbear is Foxy's uncle and brother in one. So, Seeya soon!

My Animatronic Friends (a FNAF fan fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang