Part 7- Machine Malfunction

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Lol, I just realised I had a competition to see who'd have an OC in here, but no one commented on it! I might make another competition for an OC soon.
Maddie's P.O.V
The cold night air blows through my hair as I walk along the street. I kind of enjoy walking around at night, so I didn't bring the car. As I walk, I feel as though something's following me. I don't dare look back, it's been a fear of mine that if I look behind me, something or someone will attack.
I make it into the pizzeria, where Mike is sitting with the still turned off Toy Animatronics. Mike must've brought them out.
"Hey" I say. Silence. I look at him, confused. I see him looking behind me, wide eyed. I gulp, and slowly turn around, to see none other than my sister.
"Lizzy!?! What the heck are you doing here?" I ask, annoyed. Lizzy nervously laughs, twisting her black hair.
"I really wanted to see what your job was like! Who's the guy and those animatronics?" Lizzie asks. I sigh. Guess it's about time she learned the truth.
"The guy is mike. And well, ya see-" Before I can finish, the animatronics burst to life, and snap their heads our way, demonic eyes.
"Umm, guys? You okay?" Mike asks, the toy animatronics walking towards us. Foxy creeps out of the cove.
"Maddie, move aside, Endoskeletons can't be out of their suits" Bonnie says in a really creepy voice. They get closer, closer, and we back into a corner. Lizzy's face has gone pale, and without thinking, she grabs my machine from my bag and throws it at the animatronics heading towards us. It bursts to life, as the room fills with light, nearly blinding me.
Once the light dims, I open my eyes to see every one of us in our other versions. Even Lizzy and Mike have! Lizzy is also a wolf animatronic hybrid, she has the same love for them as me, but the fur colour is black like her hair. Mike is a lion hybrid. The animatronics back away, eyes normal.
"Oh, s-sorry yee two" Foxy says. I shrug, while Lizzy stands there, frozen. I roll my eyes and sit her down.
"Soooo, how exactly do we get out of our human form?" Puppet asks. Oh, right, that.
"We can't exactly use your machine anymore, it's busted" Mike says, pointing to the scraps of metal on the floor. I sigh, and smack my head on the table. Why........ Lizzie is sitting on a chair, rocking back and forth whispering "I want to be human, I want to be human" over again.
"Wait a sec, you're human! I knew something was fishy about you" Mangle claims. I roll my eyes, not even giving the slightest care she knows. Just then, a tiny flash of light flashes around Lizzy, and she turns normal. My eyes widen.
"How?......" Is all I manage to say. She just casually shrugs.
"All I did was say I wanted to be human" Lizzy states. An invisible lightbulb appears above, and I say what she said. It worked!
"OH MY GOD WE CAN TRANSFORM!!!!" I squeal excitedly, hopping around the room like a mad woman. I eventually calm down, as Mike turns normal.
Time skip to later on
"Okay, so you guys are the old scrapped animatronics, and because of Maddie's machine we can all turn from human to animatronic?" Lizzy asks. We all nod. She stays silent, until.....
"AWESOME!!!!!!" Finally, she's back to her normal hyper self. I chuckle a bit, before sitting next to Foxy.
"Your sister seems nice" He says, smiling. I look over to my sister, who is talking to the toys and Mike.
"Yeah, she's a little hyper, but she's the best sister I could ever have" I reply. She really is. Ever since she was little, I've never wanted to be mean to her. I just hope she won't get hurt...
Lizzy's P.O.V
I'm glad I followed my sister here! The animatronics are really fun! And Mikes pretty nice.
"So, Lizzy, what's it like out of these doors?" TBonnie asks.
"It's pretty amazing, there are all sorts of other things out there like swimming, other restraints, all sorts of things!" I exclaim happily.
"That sounds amazing!" TChica exclaims. I smile. I see the puppet just sitting alone on the wall. I go and sit by him.
"Hey, why aren't you sitting with the rest of us?" I ask. He looks at me, his mask still on his face.
"I'm not much of a crowd person, plus they barely talk to me" He explains. I put my hand on his shoulder.
"Don't worry, I'm sure that if you got to know them better, you'll be fine" I ensure. Puppet nods, and we walk back to the others. In a matter of minutes, they start trusting Puppet a bit more.
A bell goes off, and they all go back to their places, turning back animatronic.
"Okay, sis, time to go" Maddie says behind me. I nod.
"You need a lift?" Mike asks, twirling his car keys on his finger. We both nod. And head out.
"Hey Maddie, I'm really sorry about your machine,mI wasn't thinking" I apologise. Maddie smiles at me.
"It's alright, I have blueprints back at home. Also, now we can turn into animatronic human hybrids at any time" She says. I smile back, hugging her as we drive off.
Maddie's P.O.V
We make it back home at about 6:30, and the second I step out of Mikes car, my eyes widen. The window into my room is smashed open! I race to the door,my locking it. Lizzy and Mike follow behind me as I race upstairs. I open my room door, and it's trashed! Glass shattered on my messy bed, desk trashed, and the blueprints are gone! CRAP!
"Dammit!" I yell. Mike and Lizzy race in.
"They stole the blueprints" I collapse on my bed. Lizzy sits beside me while Mike looks for clues.
"Hey look, some sort of purple fabric" Lizzy says. I look at the broken mirror. I pull off the fabric, observing it. It looks like the pocket to a hacker or something. I scavenge through the pocket, only to find a note, simply saying 'You Can't'. Can't what?
"What does it mean?"Mike asks. I shrug.
"I don't know, but I'm going to find out"
Okay, this took FOREVER to do, for some reason. Anyway,mope you enjoy, and I'll see you next chapter. Bye!

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