Louis bad stomach flu

Start from the beginning

"Try to get some sleep," you whispered. He closed his eyes taking a deep breath. "Call if you need anything. I'll be downstairs." He nodded. You quietly left the room and went downstairs and sat at the kitchen table with your computer. You worked from home most of the time. You opened your computer and started working on the project you left when you went to get Louis. You sat there for a little over an hour before you heard Louis call for you. You got up shutting your laptop and walked back into the bedroom. He was sitting up in bed with his arm wrapped around his stomach.

"I think I'm gonna be sick again," he groaned. You grabbed the trash bin by the door and brought it back to him. He clutched it tightly, breathing heavy over it. You sat down next to him and put your hand on his back. It felt like his fever had risen you could feel heat coming off his body through his clothes. He gagged slightly bringing nothing up.

"You're alright Louis, it's alright," You soothed him. He gagged again coughing a little afterwards. You felt bad for him. There was nothing you could do. His stomach seized up and he began retching painfully into the bin. "Aww Louis," you sighed. He gagged and retched for several minutes until there was nothing left to bring up. He body relaxed a little and he was able to catch his breath. You took the bin from his hands and placed it on the ground. "You alright Louis?" you asked pushing the stray hair out of his face.

"I think so," he replied softly.

"Lay back down, I'll clean this out and be right back." He nodded. You took the bin and cleaned it bringing it back to Louis as promised.

"Will you lay with me for a bit?" He asked sadly. You nodded and got into bed with him. He cuddled in close to you putting his head on your chest. You could clearly feel how warm he was and it worried you a little. You ran your hand up and down his back while his body relaxed.

"I'm sorry you don't feel well Louis. I wish there was something I could do."

"Just keep doing that." He shut his eyes and took comfort in your touch. His breathing evened out and he began to snore softly. You gently slipped yourself out of his grasp and went into the bathroom. You were really concerned about his fever. You pulled out the thermometer, it was the model that doesn't go in the mouth but across the forehead so you didn't need to wake Louis. You quietly went back into the bedroom and run the thermometer across his head. You pulled it away and read the numbers 103.3. You weren't too fond of that number. You walked back into the bathroom and soaked down a cloth in cold water and put it on Louis's head when you returned to the bedroom. You felt your phone buzz in your pocket. You pulled it out and Liam was calling you. You left the bedroom and answered the phone.

"Hey Liam."

"Hey Y/N, how's Louis doing?"

"I'm actually really worried about him. His fever is pretty high. He's thrown up several times. I really need to get his fever down."

"How high is it?"


"No, that's not good at all. Do you have any fever reducers?"

"No we don't."

"I think I've got some I can run them over to you if you like."

"Could you? That would be wonderful!"

"Yeah I can do that; I'll be there in ten minutes."

"Thank you so much Liam."

"No problem Y/N. I'll see you in a bit."

"Alright, bye Liam."

"Bye." You hung up the phone and sighed with relief. That good feeling didn't last long when you heard Louis's sickly cough coming from the bedroom. You rushed back in finding the bed empty. You heard Louis's heart wrenching retching began from the bathroom. You rush to his side kneeling down beside him.

"Shh, Shh, Louis. It's alright. You're ok baby, you're alright," you soothed. Louis's whole body shook with each heave. You felt terrible. After several minutes there was nothing left in Louis's stomach but it was still trying to send something up which left Louis dry heaving painfully. After that time Liam entered the house looking around for you.

"Y/N," he called.

"Liam, we're in here," you called back. Liam came in shortly after that and looked down at his friend sadly.

"Aww Tommo," he sighed. He knelt down next to you and put his hand on Louis's back. Poor Louis continued heaving bringing nothing up.

"Poor baby," you sighed putting your hand on the back of his head. He whimpered a little before heaving again. You looked back at Liam who shook his head. There was nothing you could do for him. It felt like an eternity but Louis's stomach finally calmed down. He was so exhausted he collapsed in your arms. You rubbed down his arms trying to comfort him. Liam quickly filled up a paper cup of water and took out two of the fever reducers.

"Here Lou." Liam handed him the pills. Louis put them in his mouth and Liam held the cup to his feverish lips. He no soon got the pills and water down before his stomach sent it all back up. You turned and looked up at Liam. He grew very pale with fear. "This isn't right," he muttered. When Louis was finished he collapsed in a heap on the floor.

"Lou! Louis, hey come on buddy." You sat him up and tried to shake him awake. He opened his eyes for a moment but was out again. "Liam!" you panicked. Liam took Louis in his arms and carried him out of the bathroom.

"We're going to the hospital," he told you. You rushed Louis to the hospital where he was immediately treated for his now very high fever and dehydration. You and Liam stayed by his side until he woke up a few hours later.

"Y/N," he mumbled weakly.

"Hey baby boy," you said sweetly.

"Payno? What's going on?" he asked rubbing his eyes.

"Your fever got pretty high mate. You passed out at home mate." Louis's eyes got wide.

"How you feeling now buddy?" you asked taking his hand.

"I'm alright. Bit tired though."

"Rest, everything is alright now." Louis was released the next day. You took him home where you cared for him until he was back to his normal goofy self. He thanks both you and Liam for looking after him.


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