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*two days later*

Jack and I haven't spoken since that day in my backyard. I don't know how to feel. I do miss him and I really want to make up with him.

I'm currently shopping online. I'm looking at Michael Kors watches. I need a new watch so this is what I thought of.

I ended up buying a silver watch and go to the Hollister webpage. I also need some new high-waisted skinny jeans.

Seems like I need a lot lately. There's a sudden knock on my door.

"Come in." I close my MacBook.

"Dad's home!" Deja smiles.

Of course he is. I mentally roll my eyes.

"Ok." I get up and we walk downstairs together to greet him. My mom is out grocery shopping, but she should be back soon.

They got into a huge argument last night over the phone and I'm guessing Deja didn't hear.

They are officially getting a divorce and I honestly think it's for the better. Dad is letting mom keep everything. They signed off on the house this morning. It was an incredibly fast process.

"Hi dad!" Deja practically jumped into his arms.

"Hey kiddo." He never started calling her that until he heard me call her that.

It's not that I don't love my dad, because I do, but I don't particularly like him. He cheated on my mom with another woman. And now he's probably letting her live with him and they're probably going to get married. That's one wedding I am not going to.

"Hi Sarah." My dad sighs, opening his arms.

I fake smile and walk into his arms, barely hugging back. He lets go and lets out a deep sigh.

"How have you been?" He asks us, mostly Deja.

"Good!" Deja looks up at him. "Where have you been?" She tilts her head.

"Uh. Business trip." He is so lucky Deja is too oblivious to see through his lies, but I on the other hand, I see right through them.

"Why are you here?" I coldly ask, crossing my arms.

"Sarah, not now." He waves me off.

"No, I want to know. Why did you leave us for that slut. Go ahead dad. Tell Deja what's happening." I have had it. Everything has just been piling up and I can't take it anymore.

"Stop it. Now." His voice hardens.

"Wait what? What's happening dad?" Deja continues to look up at him.

"Yea dad. What's happening?" I narrow my eyes at him.

He sends me a glare.

"Deja, sweetie, your mom and I love you very much. You know that, right?" He guides her to the couch. I follow closely behind, listening to every word that's coming out of the bastards mouth.

"Yea. I know."

"Well your mom and I have decided to get a divorce. We think it'll be better for both me and your mom to go our separate ways. The relationship has been unhealthy for a long time. Ever since you were born things have just gone downhill." Oh my fuck. Did he really just say that. Did he really just blame Deja for this.

"So I was the cause of this?" There were tears in her eyes. Great.

He doesn't say anything which leads Deja to believe that it was her fault, when in all reality, it wasn't.

She got up from the couch and ran up the stairs, slamming her door shut.

I uncross my arms and furrow my eyebrows.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Watch your mouth Sarah. I am still your father." He stands.

"Why would you say that? You practically told her she's the cause of this!" I pause, rubbing my temples with my index and middle fingers. "You can leave now. We don't want you here. Get your shit and leave. Go home to your little skank." I've had it with him. He is so unbelievable.

He's taken aback by what I just said. When he's finally processed it, he walks over and grabs my arm firmly, his grip getting tighter by the second.

"You do not speak to me like that young lady!" He raises his voice.

"Oh go to hell. I'm eighteen. You can't tell me what to do anymore." He tightened his grip even more.

"While your under my roof, you will listen to me!" He narrowed his eyes.

"You're hurting me!" I yelled.

He never let go. He just clenched down harder and harder. You could see my skin start to turn a purple-ish color. This is definitely going to leave a bruise.

I was fidgeting under his grip. Our attention turned to the door. My mom was walking in with the groceries. Her eyes averted from my dads bags, to me, to my dad, to his hand around my arm. You could clearly see my arm was a different color.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" She yelled. I knew Deja wouldn't come out. I had told her when she was little to stay in her room until I had gone to get her.

"I'm getting my stuff." He coldly replies.

"Why the fuck are you squeezing Sarah like that?" She drops the bags and runs over to me.

My dad lets go and looks down at my arm and then to my face. It's like a switch had gone off.

"I'm so sorry Sarah. I didn't mean it. I would never hurt you like that." He tries to grab me, but I jerk away from him. He's done enough damage.

"Don't you dare touch me or my sister again." I say before giving my mom a hug and a kiss on the forehead and heading back up to my room.

I slam the door and walk into my bathroom getting the ace bandage from my drawer and wrap it around my arm. It was slightly swollen and the color hadn't gone back to normal yet.

I exit the bathroom and open my door walking over to Deja's room. I knocked waiting for a response.

You could hear my mom and dad yelling at each other. They weren't very quiet, but hey, this is her house and she did tell him not to come back. All they had to do was sign the court papers saying that my dad was transferring the house over to my moms possession.

"Come in." I heard a quiet voice say from behind the door. I entered and my eyes immediately went to Deja who was on the floor crying.

Sorrow filled my eyes as I walked closer to her. I picked her up and brought her to my room. Her head was on my chest, quiet sobs leaving her mouth.

For the rest if the night Deja and I laid in bed, snaking on my secret stash of Oreos and watching Glee on Netflix. We cuddled and that seemed to calm her down.

"It's not your fault Deja. He's delusional. Don't listen to a word that comes out of that mans mouth." I rubbed her back soothingly.

"Ok. Thank you for always being there for me Sarah." She drifted off.

"No problem baby girl. I will always be here."

Double update. Why the hell not?

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