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"Jack!" I yelled from my window. The curtain opened but he didn't open the window.

"What?" He mouthed.

"Open the window stupid." I mouthed and gestured towards his window.

He shook his head no. "Why?" I pouted.

He shrugged his shoulders and left.

"JACK!!" I yelled. I felt like an idiot sticking my head out of the window. People were passing by looking at me like I had three heads. I just smiled at them and waved.

"Sarah?" My dad said sternly.

I turned around slowly. Oh shit. I had gotten yelled at before for yelling out of the window like a crazy person. I was allowed to talk out of the window, just not yell.

"Yes?" I smiled like nothing was wrong.

"What did I tell you about yelling out of your window?"

"Pshh. Dad. What are you talking about? That wasn't me."

"Haha! Yes it was!" Deja said peeking into my room.

Deja is my 16 year old sister. She's in 10th grade. She's almost 3 years younger than me, of course. Yes, I understand I didn't mention her before, but I didn't like her. She took all the attention from me. So... I told the story like she never existed. But we're cool now. I always loved her, I just never liked her. So yep, that's her story.

"Shut up Deja!" I hissed.

"Make me." She smirked sticking out her tongue.

I started to walk to my door.

"Uh. No missy. We're still talking about your chaotic yelling out of the window to that poor boy Jack. I bet he's tired of you always yelling at him." My dad laughed.

"DAD! Stop lying to yourself. He is definitely not tired of me yelling at him." I put my hand on my chest and acted like I was hurt.

"How much do you wanna bet?" He asked.

Oh it's on dad.

"50." I said.

"I bet dad is right." Deja butted in.

"What are you still doing here. Don't you have a life or something? Go hang out with your little friends or something." I told her.

"Ha. Jokes on you. They all have plans today." She stood there looking at me. She started to realize what she just said.

"Duh Dej." I laughed. "You should really process your comeback before you say it."

"You know what?" She paused. "At least I have friends." She snapped.

"Ha. Really? I have plenty of friends. There's Kelcey, Amanda, Brianna. Must I go on? Yes? Ok. There's Sam, Johnson, Jack-"

"Alright Sarah. We get it." My dad started laughing.

The doorbell rang.

"Hmm I wonder who that could be?"

"I'll get it dad." Deja said.

"No Deja. Go to your room."

"You're no fun." She pouted and stomped to her room.

"Boo hoo. I'll get it sweetie stay here." My dad said walking towards my door.

"Don't you dare." I pointed my finger towards him.

"Try me." He smirked closing my door.

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