Chapter 1- Head On Collision

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(Alex's p.o.v)
It was the first day of school after summer vacation and it was my first day at a new school. I walked shakily through the front doors and into the school building. The reception stood in front on me as I walked in. I went to the front desk and signed in as woman stepped out of the back office and smiled.

"Hi! How can I help?" She asked, taking the pen and the register away from me.

"Hi! Um... can I have my subject planner please?" I heard a little croak in my voice as I felt the nerves getting to me.

"Okay, what's your name please?"

"Alexander Gaskarth."

"Okay, just give me a minute and I'll get it." She walked back into the office and closed the door. A minute later she came back with the same smile on her face and a piece of paper. She handed me the paper and pointed to a door to the left side of the reception. "Go through that door and it will take you into the entrance hall. As you walk into the hall you will see a set of stairs that will lead you up to the English and the Humanities corridor. Your locker is on the left side of the entrance hall, at the very end. Your locker combination is stapled onto your subject planner. "

"Okay, thank you." I said before turning and leaving through the door that she pointed at.

As I walked over to my locker, I took a quick glance at my subject planner. Like the receptionist said, I have history first. Second lesson I have math. How boring is my first day going to be? I opened my locker and put my notebook and songbook inside. Before I closed my locker, I saw something drawn, in permanent marker, on the inside of the locker door. I took a closer look to see a small drawing of the weed symbol. Great! What a great little locker decoration I have.

Slamming the locker shut, I walked through the entrance hall and upstairs to the English and Humanities corridor. As I looked around at the faces of everyone in the corridor, I realized that public school was going to be nothing like private school. For one you don't have to wear uniform. To be honest that's actually a good thing, as in my old school we had to wear uniform and I hated wearing shirts and ties with blazers. Another thing I noticed was that in private school, everyone was so stuck up and most of them were rich. I was nothing like those people, my parents weren't rich. I just got into that school by chance. I got in on a free scholarship, I didn't have what everyone else had. But here, the people weren't rich or stuck up, they're all like me... well in some ways they are.

I arrived at my history lesson and found a free seat in the corner. There was a free seat in front of me and a brown haired boy with a nose ring and a backwards snapback, sat on the desk to the right of me. The room was quiet as everyone took notes on a video about the Second World War and the events leading up to it. Fifteen minutes went by and the video ended, but still no one talked, everyone was dead silent.

As the teacher started to explain something about Hitler and some guy named Gerbils.... Oh wait no, actually I think his name's Goebbels.... a tall boy with skunk hair walked in. Wow he's cute... Wait! Did I just say he was cute? What the hell Alex?

The boy took up the empty seat in front of me. Before he sat down he looked at me and smirked, I felt my cheeks burn red as I blushed. Did he see me looking at him? Damn! What if he did? I looked down and carried on with my work to hide my face as the boy sat down. The skunk haired boy started tapping his pen against his desk and humming a tune. I glared at the back of the boys head and took a deep breath causing him to turn around.

"Sorry am I bothering you?" He chuckled.

"Um... no sorry." I said looking back down at my work as my cheeks burned red. "Sorry." I whispered again.

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