"I'm grabbing you a snack so you don't bite me." Hunter replied, making me roll my eyes. I watched him take out a blood bag and come over to me, tossing me the bag. I caught it and tore a small hole in it to drink from.

"So, you think the werewolves aren't going to let us off easy," I said after a few sips, "What do you think they'll ask for?" Hunter shrugged, sitting back on a leather recliner and pausing to wrinkle his nose at how squishy it was.

"Dunno, I ain't a werewolf. But it don't matter. Either way I'm not eager to hear them out. I just want you to make up with your boyfriend so we can leave."

"He's not my boyfriend."

"No, but you can tell he wants to be."

"What're you talking about?" I asked sourly. Why was he bringing this up? It was hardly any of his business. We'd only just met, why was he sticking his nose where it didn't belong? Of course, Hunter was also not very good at socializing and just snorted rudely at my question.

"I ain't even gay and I can see it. The guy watches you like a hawk all the time. And I mean all the time. While you sleep, while you eat, while you drink, apparently. It's like there's nothing else in the world, but you." He explained. For some reason, having someone point out all of Xed's habits embarrassed me. I had already known that Xed paid close attention to me, but I had always passed it off as it being his job to make sure I wasn't killed or worse. I knew he did it because there was nothing else in the world he wanted to do. To think Xed would ever want a relationship like that with me was almost laughable.

Even I had to admit that Xed had a lot going for him. He seemed very intelligent and caught on quickly. He was observant and polite. He seemed very serious most of the time, but I could tell he caught onto sarcasm and jokes quite well and would very faintly crack a smile. And physically? Well, you had to be a fool to not want someone with a body like Xed's. He was incredibly masculine and powerful. Completely ripped and ready for any kind of manual labor.

"And then when I mention it, you go into deep thought and you almost look like you're smiling." Hunter said, breaking through my thoughts. I twitched and shot Hunter a deadly glare.

"Xed is a capable person. That is all. He is not a love interest, and even if he was, you're forgetting one very important thing." I gestured to myself, then finished the blood in the bag. Hunter paused at that, then shrugged as he looked down at the floor and fiddled with the band on his goggles.

"Hey, if he's into it, what the heck, why not? You're an adult. He's an adult. Just don't hold hands in public because we humans have morals and seeing a guy like Xed with a little boy like you ain't right in our society." He explained with another shrug. I glared at him in disgust and looked away.

"That's another reason it won't work. People will get the wrong idea and I have already had the human authorities after me because they think I'm a runaway. Imagine their surprise when they found out I didn't have registered citizenship." I muttered. Hunter raised an eyebrow.

"You don't have papers?"

"No. Well, I did half a century ago, but I forgot to get new papers. Obviously you can't have Newell C. Drakon of the 1930s still looking the way I do in the 21st century."

"You should probably get around to that."

"I would, but my parents are dead." I deadpanned. Hunter smirked at that and opened his mouth to say something when there was a shrill scream, making us share surprised stares. Hunter got up and thankfully lifted me up into his arms before carrying me out of the cabin. At the center of the village was a mangled bloody heap that looked like it had once been human, or rather a werewolf. But it no longer had limbs and the skull was completely crushed. Families gathered around, hiding their children's eyes. Women and even a few men were crying in agony.

The Vampire's Requiem [malexmale]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن