Telling The Parents (Louis)

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I woke up and stretched. My alarm clock said it was nearly 2 pm. "Crap," I muttered. I pulled on a pair of gray short shorts and a black tank top.

My mom was downstairs, making cookies. She glared at me when I came into the kitchen. "Why are you up so late?" she demanded.

I rubbed my eyes and said, "I went to bed early, woke up at one, couldn't get back to sleep. Don't be so mad."

She sighed and got the cookies out of the oven. "Okay, honey. I hope you slept well when you were asleep," she said quietly. "Do you want a cookie? They're chocolate chip."

"Sure," I said, taking one. I bit into its hot gooey goodness. "Mom, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be acting like this. I'm just so mad about what happened last night."

"I just don't trust him!" she argued. "He seems like a bad influence!"

I slammed my cookie on the counter. "Why, because he has tattoos and he hugged me? Gosh, Mom. He just graduated from Harvard!" I yelled. I ran out the front door, slamming it behind me. God, I had gotten really emotional lately.

"Hey," Louis called from next door. I ignored him and stormed down the sidewalk. "Hey, Kelsi!" Footsteps pounded towards me on the cement. "What's wrong?" he asked, concerned. He tried to take me into his arms but I pushed away.

"It's my mom. She's so... she judged you because you hugged me!" I said. I began to cry. "I don't get it."

"Hey, hey, it's okay," Louis said. He took my hand, but I jerked away and began to beat weakly on his chest. He grabbed my wrist. "Don't be like this," he begged. "I told my mom about last night. You need to tell your parents, too."

I looked up at his big blue eyes, and I could see my own watery brown ones reflected back. "Okay," I sniffled. He smiled and let my arm go.

"Now, let's go get ice cream!" he said. I laughed at his excitement and we turned around, hand in hand.

"Is this your car?" I exclaimed. A beautiful black Charger was parked in the driveway. He nodded proudly and slipped the keys into the ignition.

"C'mon, grouchy. Let's go," Louis commanded. I slid into the passenger seat and we pulled onto the street. We drove for a bit, holding hands, until we arrived at a Baskin Robbins.

"Ooh, I think... I think I want mint," I said.

"You sound like a little kid," Louis teased. He ordered our ice cream and we ate it, chatting comfortably. We got back in the car and drove back home. When we got there, there were cops milling around. My mom was pacing frantically.

"What's wrong?" I wondered aloud as we got out of the car. My mom saw me and rushed to embrace me.

"Oh, dear, I thought you ran off!" she breathed. She pulled away and checked my face. "Are you alright, sweetie?"

I became instantly protective and pulled away harshly. "Yes, Mom. I was just having ice cream with Louis. Don't freak. I'm 23, I can do things on my own."

My mom glared at Louis. "You kidnapped her!" she yelled. Everyone looked over, and the cops began casually driving off.

"What? No, Mom, he just-" I said. I tried to stop her.

"You kidnapped my baby girl! Did you rape her? Try to kill her?" my mom screamed. Louis was just coming around the car and was a foot from me when the accusations started flying. I buried my face in my hands. Why can't I have a normal family?

"I didn't touch her!" Louis yelled. My dad appeared out of nowhere and looked at Louis with contempt.

"Sure, son," he said. His voice was low and husky. I saw him wind his fist back- he was about to slug Louis!

"Stop!" I shrieked. I moved my body in between my parents and Louis. "I love him!"

My parents fell silent. "You... you what?" my mom said softly.

I took a deep breath and said, "I love him. Last night, he came over the back wall and we kissed. Don't touch him or I'll leave and never come back," I threatened. My dad's fist dropped.

"Okay, sweetheart," my dad said. He held out his hand to Louis. "Sorry, son."

Louis shook my dad's hand firmly. "It's alright, sir." Then he leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Thanks, babe."

I turned my head and kissed his cheek. My mom was still glaring angrily, then a fake smile sprouted. "Okay. Welcome to the family, Louis," she said.

I laughed awkwardly. "We're not getting married," I blushed.

"Not yet," Louis clarified. I looked at him with love in my eyes. He was perfect, and my parents accepted him- to some extent.

"Now, who wants lemonade?" my mom asked. We followed her in, Louis and I taking the back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, then we walked in, hand in hand.

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