The Eiffel Tower (Liam)

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"I'm going to take a nap," I declared. I grabbed a blanket from a little cabinet and sat in one of the many rows of seats. "Goodnight," I said. I leaned my head near the window and watched the world grow smaller and smaller as we flew through the afternoon sky.

"Wait!" Liam said. He dove into the seat next to me and took hold of my hand. "Okay. Sleep now." I laughed and leaned on him. He kissed the top of my head.

"Don't sleep too long, we're only in this plane for an hour, give or take." Josh's voice crackled over the intercom.

"I'm so excited, I don't think I CAN sleep," I said. My eyes fluttered open.

"Just try, you have circles under your eyes," Liam said. I stuck my tongue out at him, but closed my eyes. I thought about the first time we met.

It was my eighteenth birthday. One Direction was in town. My mom had gotten me tickets and backstage passes for my best friend Kaylee and I, but she didn't tell me until that morning. I immediately texted Kaylee, then spent all day trying to find the perfect outfit and doing my hair.

Kaylee showed up at my house an hour early and we arrived at the concert right on time. We nearly lost our voices screaming the words to every song. We pushed our way backstage and saw One Direction, goofing around and eating ice cream. We introduced ourselves, remaining calm somehow, and got to talking.

Harry said that the crowd was the wildest that he had ever seen. Niall said it was the best show they had ever done. Louis poked Harry with his spoon. Liam and Zayn had a fork-and-spoon battle. It was weird and yet, really attractive. We stayed until the sun began to shine. Before we left, Liam asked for my number. After the tour, we spent every day together, even his 20th birthday.

I guess I dozed off, but I woke up with Josh saying, "Paris below!" I looked out the window, feeling as jittery and excited as a little kid. Liam was asleep, so I gently shook him awake.

"Liam, we're almost there!" I whispered. His eyes opened and he grinned.

"Hello, beautiful," he said, kissing my nose. I giggled and stood up, pulling him with me. Our plane descended into the French airport, and we lugged our suitcases off the plane and into the terminal.

"Okay, guys. Liam, you have my number. Call me when you're done here. I've got to bail. See ya!" Josh said. He waved and disappeared back into the plane.

"We're in France," I breathed. "This is amazing." I took a picture of me and Liam with France lying in the background and sent it to Kaylee. 'Hey BFF. I'm in France w/ the best bf ever. Luvs!'

"Let's go to a hotel and check in. It's getting late," Liam said, referring to the darkening sky. "Then we can eat."

"Let's just eat our junk food in the room," I suggested. Liam shrugged.

"Sure," he said. We stepped into the cooling air and I took a deep breath. Liam took one good look around, then turned right. "We need to go this way." He pulled me along the foreign streets. My nose was ambushed with delicious smells.

"We're staying here?!" I exclaimed. I gazed up in amazement at the towering building.

"Only the best for you, love," Liam said. We walked in, towards the check-in desk.

"Hello. Do you speak French?" the bellman asked carefully.

"No, sorry, we're British," Liam said. The bellman looked annoyed, briefly, then smiled very broadly.

"Okay. Well, what kind of room do you want?" he asked. His name read Jacques- an amusingly typical French name.

"Um, one king bed, any floor," Liam suggested. Jacques nodded and held out his hand.

"And how, sir, are you going to pay with this?" he asked snootily.

Liam handed him a debit card. "With this." Jacques accepted it and ran it through.

"Mister Liam Payne, you are in room 515," Jacques said, handing him a key. He took it and Liam and I walked off.

"Gosh, he was snobby," I whispered to him. Liam laughed.

"Yeah, are all French like that?" Liam said.

"I don't know, I've never been here!" I giggled. He looked at me lovingly.

"Could you NOT be so hot?" he asked. I squeezed his arm and we headed into the elevator. "Fifth floor, here we come!" We glided upwards. The door dinged and I rolled my suitcase out.

"What room is it, 515?" I asked. Liam nodded and we turned left.

"Here it is!" Liam exclaimed. He unlocked the door to reveal a gorgeous, beautifully decorated room. We both gasped.

"Look at this bed!" I cried. I plopped down on the soft, cream-white bed and moaned. "Oh my gosh. This. Is. Heaven."

"Move aside, babe," Liam said. I stood up and he jumped onto the bed. "No kidding!" He fell to his knees, then repositioned himself so he was leaning against the wall. "Join me, my love." I curled up next to him.

"Wow. This morning, I was in my bed in London. Now, I'm in a hotel in Paris. This is the best day ever," I sighed. He kissed me and we crawled under the blankets together.


I awoke and saw Liam, dripping wet and shirtless. He was just pulling on his jeans.

"Liaaaaam, you're really. Really. Really hot," I said. He looked down, then looked at me and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Yes, I do agree," he said. I laughed and got up.

"I've got to shower, I feel gross," I said. He looked me up and down.

"You don't look gross," he pointed out. I dug a flowing pink dress out of my suitcase and disappeared into my bathroom.

I showered, pulled on my dress, blow-dried my hair, and walked out. Liam gaped as I modeled the dress.

"How did you get to be so gorgeous?" he asked, pulling me onto his lap. I giggled.

"Years of practice, maybe," I guessed. He handed me my brown sandals and I tugged them on.

"Let's go," he said. "Eiffel Tower now, everything else later." I shrugged and followed him into the hotel hallways. We took the elevator into the lobby and walked into the glorious, warm sunshine.

"Let's just walk, it's beautiful out," I said.

"Okay, sure," he agreed. We walked down the curving streets and towards the huge triangular piece of architecture.

"It's so pretty here," I sighed. Liam nodded and his eyes clouded over.

"Hey, look at that!" Liam said, pointing past me. I spun around and saw nothing.

"What-" I began. He was knelt to the ground and was holding a ring.

"Kelsi, will you marry me?" he asked.

"Yes, yes, a million times yes!" I shrieked. I slipped the ring onto my finger and hugged him tightly.

"I love you," he whispered. I looked into his eyes and the rest of the world melted away. He pressed his lips to mine and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I couldn't be happier," I mumbled.

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