Beach Proposal (Niall)

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"Come on!" Niall yelled as he sped past me.

"No fair," I said. He ran under the pier. "Where are you going?"

"Hurry it up." I met him at the foot of the water, near a checkered picnic blanket covered in food.

"Oh, this is so sweet," I cried. He sat on a bare spot and motioned for me to sit by him. I walked over, a little cautiously, and he grabbed my hand and pulled me down.

"It's nice here," he said, wrapping his arm around me. "And I have all the good food."

"And what defines good food?" I asked. I repositioned myself so my head was laying on his lap.

He stroked my hair. "I've got pizza, sandwiches, fries, and... dessert stuff," he explained.

"First, let's go in the water," I said. I sat up slowly, then jumped up and ran to the water's edge. I carefully put a toe in, then up to my ankles, then to my knees.

"Crap, it's cold!" Niall said. He was barely in the water up to his ankles.

"You're wimpy," I teased. I grabbed him by the hand and pulled him into the chilly water. I guess I pulled too hard, because we both fell so the water was washing over our shoulders.

"Aaagh!" Niall yelled. "So cold!" We both jumped up. I splashed him playfully and he shook the water from his hair. "Oh, no, you didn't!" he said. He splashed me back.

I shrieked and splashed him, back and forth, back and forth for 5 minutes. "Okay, I can't feel my toes," I said. I ran out of the water and out from under the pier, into the warm sunshine. I dug my feet into the sand, warming them up.

"Wait for me!" Niall called. He ran up and took my hand. "Let's go for a walk." We headed up the beach and walked past the bike shops and ice cream place.

A pretty brunette looked at Niall as we walked past. "Hey, cutie," she said. Niall turned around.

"What?" he asked. He glared at her angrily.

The girl flipped her hair and said, "You're cute."

Niall squeezed my hand. "This is my girlfriend," he said.

She looked me up and down distastefully. "Babe, you can do so much better."

Niall shook his head and pulled me away. We headed back to the pier and started in on the food. "That was annoying," he said, dishing out the sandwiches.

"That's an understatement," I agreed, biting into my roast beef sandwich. "This is really good."

"Of course it is," he said. We finished our food and Niall opened a cooler. He brought out a carton of ice cream. "Look away," Niall said. I rolled my eyes but looked away. I heard him scooping out the ice cream. "Okay, it's cool now."

I turned back and took the bowl. I leaned on him and devoured the cookies 'n' cream sweetness. There was something on the bottom of the bowl. "What's this?" I asked. Niall took my bowl and withdrew a diamond ring. He wiped it off and pulled me up beside him. Then he knelt to the ground.

"Kelsi, I love you. Will you marry me?" Niall asked.

I shrieked, "Yes!" He slipped the ring on my finger and I kissed him, in pure ecstasy. We hugged and I whispered, "I love you."

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