Date Night (Zayn)

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I pulled away, bright red. I had just kissed legendary heartthrob Zayn Malik.

"Nice going, Bradford," Niall complimented.

"Why didn't I think of that?" Liam agreed. Kaylee and Harry were silent, clutching each other's hands. Then she smiled cheerlessly.

"Kelsi, come here," she said flatly. She stormed off down a hallway, and I had no choice but to follow. As we hurried away, I heard the boys congratulating Zayn.

"What the hell?!" Kaylee demanded.

"I don't know what happened. He turned his head, and-" I began. She studied my face hard, then laughed.

"Dang, girl. You look so panicked. Zayn is my ex. I'm happy with Harry. You should get in on that kiss," she encouraged. God, I should have known she was tricking me.

"You're terrible," I said, shoving her. She laughed gaily and started back down the hallway.

"So... you're not mad that I'm with your cheating ex?" I asked. She shook her head.

"Nah. I think he was cheating because of me. I was being kinda possessive. Go ahead," she permitted. We got back to the main room and Niall was just popping in another movie.

"Ooh, what are we watching?" I asked, curling up on the couch between Kaylee and Zayn.

"Toy Story," Liam answered happily.

"Somehow he talked us into it," Louis groaned. Harry nodded and shrugged.

The movie began and, a little ways into it, I felt hot breath on my ear. "Kelsi, do you want to go out with me?" Zayn whispered.

I turned my head. "Will you cheat on me?"

Zayn's eyes widened. "She told you?!" he exclaimed. I nodded and smiled- it felt like a very snake-like smile. "Well, no, I won't."

"Okay, then yes, definitely," I accepted. He smiled and wrapped his arm around me.

"That's good. Tonight, I'll meet you here. At 8?" Zayn suggested.

"Where will we go? I don't want to get too dressed up," I confessed. He laughed quietly.

"I don't know, out to dinner, probably," he admitted. I smiled and gently leaned my head on his shoulder. The movie finished, with me curled up in his embrace.

"Well, I've got to go. It's late," I said. It was, too- nearly 5 o'clock.

"Bye!" everyone chorused, waving. Zayn kissed my cheek and Kaylee hugged me tightly.

"Nice meeting you!" Niall called. I gave a small wave and walked into the cool air. It looked like it was about to rain- no surprise there. When I was a little more than halfway home, the downpour began. I held my purse over my head and ran down the slick sidewalks. In a few minutes, I was drenched but my apartment building was in sight. I ran in and took the elevator up to my small flat.

"That wasn't fun," I mumbled to myself. I dropped my stuff and shed my sopping clothes, climbing into the hot shower. I finished up and toweled myself off, blow-drying and straightening my long honey hair with the towel wrapped around me. I dug in my closet and came up with a cute black-and-white polka-dotted dress. I pulled it on and tied my red braided belt around my waist, and polished off the look with a pair of black ballet flats. I looked in the mirror and nodded appreciatively. I looked good in that dress.

My phone buzzed excitedly. I picked it up and read the text. 'Hey, beautiful. Kaylee gave me your number... and address. I'm on my way over. ~Z' I rolled my eyes and slipped my phone into a small black purse. I hoped I didn't look too Goth.

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