"Thought you could escape us, huh, Phantom," he literally spat in his face, saying the last word with so much venom and disgust that it made Danny flinch.

Danny closed his eyes and looked away. He wanted to cry. He was so close to escaping. So close. But he had to be distracted by joy to not notice that seeing the sun doesn't mean that he is totally free.

He was brought out of his thoughts when he felt that he was being dragged harshly. He opened his eyes and realized that the man was pulling him towards the hangar and there were a lot of other men holding guns, most of them were pointing at him as he moved. His eyes widened as he realized that  he won't allow himself to be brought back to this place after all he went through to get out, at least not without a fight.

He startled struggling, ignoring the pain coming from his body and head, as the man was dragging him by his hair.

The man tightened his grip around Danny's hair as he grew more and more annoyed.

"Stop struggling," the man snarled, " you're outnumbered and weak, you won't be able to escape again."

"Oh, and you'll be punished for trying to run away and causing all this trouble," he then added.

Danny was slightly scared about what this punishment might be and he was suddenly more determined to break out of the man's strong grip. He managed to shoot an ectoray at the man but the man somehow saw it coming and tilted his head as the ray passed next to it. He stopped and looked at poor Danny with a glare on his face.

"Nice trick, I almost forgot that you've gotten rid of your collar but don't worry, we'll get you a new one, nice and shiny."

As soon as he said that, one of the masked agents came forward with a new collar in his hand. The man grinned and clipped it around Danny's neck.

"We'll make sure it electrocutes you when you touch it," he smirked.

The moment the collar was turned on when it was around Danny's neck, electricity coursed through him, making him scream in pain until he was back in his human form.

The man then grabbed Danny again, this time by his arm, and started dragging him once again to god knows where.

They finally reached a door and it slid open. The man threw Danny in , who fell face first on a cold concrete floor. Before he can even look up, he was once again yanked harshly by his hair and dragged deeper into the room.

He found himself being forced into a sitting position and cuffs were clamped shut on his wrists and ankles. He tried to move but the cuffs were heavy and they were connected to wall by heavy thick chains.

Suddenly he was kicked in the gut and he yelped in surprise and pain. He looked up and saw a buff looking masked man, who had a whip in his right hand. Danny paled at the sight of the whip and even more, if possible, as the man knelt down and ripped away his white shirt, leaving his small and scrawny chest bare.

Danny screamed in pain as the whip made contact with his already scarred chest. He cried loudly as the masked man mercilessly raised his hand up and down, moving the whip with him. Each hit was more painful and worse than the one before.

Danny's chest started bleeding and soon a pool of his own blood surrounded him. He soon started feeling numb and drowsy as darkness started eating at the edges of his vision, and soon black was all he could see.

Okay, okay, I know this is soooo late. It's been what 3, 4 months? BUT, I have a reason..... or two...... Or actually none.

The thing is I'm really busy with school and family, and I'm lazy too.

I was starting to lose interest in the story since I'm kind of an anime addict right now, finishing one anime and starting another but I didn't want to discontinue this story.

I mean it seemed that a lot of you like it and I really hate it when some author of a story I like discontinue their story. I mean a long wait is better than nothing at all, right?

Anyways, I have a holiday now and I had nothing to do, so I was like why not? So I brainstormed and thought of how to write this chapter and ta-da.

However, I've reached the part of the story where I just wanted to skip to from the beginning so hopefully I will start working on an update soon (key word: HOPEFULLY).

So, don't forget to vote and comment...... and enjoy.

And later.


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