
It had been two months since I found out that my grandparents were killed by Death Eaters and that the whole time they knew who my father was and didn't bother to tell me. I wanted to be angry at them for not telling me everything but I just couldn't be angry because I was still grieving. Things went back to normal after a while, I didn't tell anyone about Snape being my dad because that would have been a social suicide and I was not ready for everyone to start asking questions about my dad and my mom. I didn't even have any answers because my gran always told me that Lily was married only once but when she told me that James hadn't been my father I thought my mother was some kind of tart and a part of me still thought of her like that because she must've slept with my dad then got herself pregnant two years before she got married to Harry's dad and Heaven knows how many other guys my mom could have slept with. I could have more half siblings.

It was Halloween and I was on my way to the Great Hall for dinner until I heard someone crying in the Girl's bathroom, I stopped short, peered in the bathroom heard more crying so I walked in and called out.

"Hello?" I strained my hearing so that I could hear the crying again and try to help but I couldn't identify who was crying so I walked in and found the stall where she was crying. I gently knocked on the door and peered through the cracks and recognized Hermione.

"Hermione? It's Raven can I please come in or can you come out so that we can talk?" I asked softly.

"I don't want to talk about it," she cried. I pressed myself closer to the door so that I could hear her better.

"You know I'm no therapist but I do know that it's better to talk than to keep it in," I stated matter – of – factly.

"Who did you talk to when you found out about your Grandparents?" Hermione asked softly.

"Well I didn't really talk to anyone about it but remember I told you, Harry and Ron but mostly because Harry had a right to know and I talked to Mr. Pinagree who's a kind of wizard therapist, so maybe I can help you." Hermione went silent for a minute then I heard her open the stall so I backed away so that she could come out. I motioned to the back wall so we could both sit down, she followed me to the wall and sat next to me. "So what's bothering you?" I asked again.

"It's Ron, today he said that I was a nightmare and he said that I haven't gotten any friends only because I told him how to levitate the feather in charms but I know the real reason he hates me. He hates me because I'm a muggleborn and he's a pure blood so when I showed him how to do the spell he got angry because someone from a lower blood rank than he is did better than him," she whimpered.

"Ron," I breathed a heavy sigh. "I should've known, well Hermione he's wrong about everything you just said. First off, you are not nightmare, and Harry's your friend and I guess you could say that I'm your friend. Did you know my mother was muggleborn, my grandparents aren't magical but they've told me that she was a great witch. As for Ron, it's not because you're a muggleborn, it's more because you're a girl and he's jealous that he isn't as smart as you. Plus he's a boy, boys think they have to be good at everything but if he gives you anymore trouble just come and find me and I'll knock some sense into him alright?" I promised with a small encouraging grin.

"You make a great Hufflepuff but I wish you were in Gryffindor with me, Harry and Ron," Her voice went into a mousy tone. I smiled at her but the sound of heavy footsteps interrupted our little heart to heart. A big mountain troll stood barely five feet away from us.

"Hermione, get in one of the bathroom stalls and stay in there," I muttered through my teeth.The mountain troll was staring at us both, I knew that if Hermione moved, then it would go for her so I tried thinking of a spell that could help us both but I couldn't really think of anything besides combat spells and I wasn't sure that I had enough power to fight against a troll. Hermione ran into the stall and I predicted right. The troll headed for her but I stepped in its path and pointed my wand at it and yelled, "Stupify!" I had been too late. A brilliant red light shot of my wand just as the troll got two feet away from me. The light bounced off of him and hit me, my body flew towards the wall hitting my head in the process made my world go black.

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