Chapter 8

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Marina's POV

God, she's a wreck. I layed her in her bed and undressed her untill she's in her underwear. Her body looks amazing. I love every single bit of it. I hope she won't find it too awkward in the morning. When I'm done I head downstairs, guess I'll sleep on the couch.


It's 9 am when I open my eyes. Her couch felt heavenly, I slept so well. I get up and walk up the stairs to check on Elizabeth. I knock on her door; nothing. I knock once more; still nothing. I slowly open her door and she's still laying in her bed. She looks so beautiful in the daylight. I sit on the side of her bed, caressing her cheek. "Liz, honey, wake up." I say to her. I can hear her groan softly. "Liiiizzzzz, wake uuuupppp" I say again. She's trying so hard to pretend she's still in a slumber. I lean in, my mouth super close to her ear. "Honeey, if you don't wake up I'll have to kiss you again. And maybe even do more than that." I try to say as seductively as possible. This time, her groan sounds more inviting. My my, she wants that. I lean in closer to her mouth, my lips almost touching hers. My slow breathing touching her skin. I notice her peeking at me through the tiniest gap in her eyelid. Just then I pull my lips away, leaving her sexually frustrated. "God, Marina! Don't do that!" She squeals. I burst into laughter. "You're fun when you're frustrated."

Around 11 am we're still laying down on her bed. "Where did you sleep, if you weren't here with me?" She asks me softly. "I slept on your couch. It lays heavenly by the way." I reply. She responds with a simple 'oh', and we both leave each other hanging in a long silence. "Marina?" She asks me, which I respond by 'Yes?'. "That kiss from yesterday.. Did you mean that?" I can feel my cheeks heat up as they get insanely red. "Completely honest? Yes. You're doing something to me, but I can't really explain what. You're just so, beautiful." I look her in the eyes and she looks back at me in awe. Oh how I want to kiss her. But instead I scoot closer to her and nuzzle my face into her shoulder. She smells delicious. "Marina," She says. "From the moment I heard your music play I knew I loved you in a way. But now that I've finally met you, you're growing even more onto me." Her words sound like music to my ears. But I can't just jump into a relationship like that. Did I just say I want to be in a relationship with her? We'll see what happens.

She was so sweet to lend me some of her clothes, and god, it even smells like her. We've finally gone downstairs to eat breakfast. The only thing she had was cereal, which was fine by me. As long as I could stare at her beauty I was pleased. After breakfast is over I decide to head back to my hotel. I give her a kiss on her cheek and a big hug and leave. And as soon as I'm outside, I realise I only have 2 months left here.

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