* * *

"A beach house?" I nodded after opening the uhaul to grab the first box.

"Yeah. Its peaceful here" I said and handed her a box as she jumped out the truck.

As she took it inside, I couldn't help but sit on top of the rocks that surrounded the house. The view was literally breath taking. It had made me start to think about my life.

"What are you thinking about?" Jennel asked sitting down beside. I shrugged and smiled at the floor.

"Just how crazy this year had been" I sighed.

"There's something I want you to think about" she said getting my attention. "I asked Destiny to marry me." I raised a brow looking at her slightly shock.

Jennel never once thought about marriage while we were together. She claimed it was just a dumb thing, It was the same as being in a relationship, so it was stupid to put a label on it.

"I know, me right?" She giggled grabbing a handful of sand and throwing it at her feet. "I want you to be my maid of honor. I know I'm asking to much, but-" I stopped her with a smile.

"No, that's fine. It would be an honor to be your maid of honor!" I giggled taking her into my arms and squeezing her tightly.

"The thing is, Demi and the boys are going. Amanda is the flower girl, and the boys are holding the rings" I let her go and looked at my pretty old vans.

"Oh." I scratched the back of my head, sighing in the process. "That is something to think about." I looked over to and smiled. "I guess I'll do it. I'll just keep my distance from Demi."


Demi's POV-

Dallas looked at me in disbelief as we walked out of the clinic. I had woken up throwing up and was confused, until I remembered that I was constantly partying with some guy I hardly knew, when Dani had left.

I never once thought about Dani since we broke up. Well, I'm lying. I have and it consumes all of my thoughts.

The day I had gotten a call from the hospital that Dani was being brought in, I immediately thought the worse. I had rushed to go see her, but she didn't want me to. I never got to see her. The last I had seen her was the day I had given her the divorce papers. I know I shouldn't have done that, but I thought it was the best thing to do at the time.

The boys had stopped asking for her three months after she had left to the treatment center. It was pretty tough watching them cry and waiting for her by the window for her return home. They think she stopped loving them, which I know for a fact wasn't true. She loved them more than she had loved me. It hurts to see them not want anything to do with her.

"What are you gonna do?" Dallas asked pissed at me. I released a tear before turning on the car and driving out the parking lot.

"I have to tell the boys." I sighed.

"Demi. Tell me how could you do that? Sleep with some random ass guy you don't even know. Look were it got you! Pregnant and single!" I flinched and gripped on the wheel.

I didn't tell Dallas anything after that. I was to ashamed. I dropped her off home, and drove myself home meeting Des and the boys, and a little and happy Mandy on the grass having a small picnic.

"Mama!" I heard I stepped out my car. I bent down and engulfed them into my arms. Mandy waddled over and wanted a hug as well.

"Amanda!" I exclaimed picking her up and swinging her on my hip. "Thanks Destiny for taking care of them on short notice"

The boys and I have gotten so close to Jennel and Des since they had little Amanda. I call her Mandy though. She is so precious and loves being with auntie Demi. She just had started to walk, so she walks almost everywhere and hates being picked up.

"Its no problem really. How was the doctors." I sighed motioning she was right. We had this conversation this morning before I left to the doctors. "What are you gonna do?" I sighed and shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm keeping it" I whispered. She nodded and motioned me to a hug.

That night, I slept with the boys on each of my side. I didn't feel like sleeping alone and I just wanted to sleep looking at their faces. They looked so much like Dani. I miss her.


A/n: what did you think? I need help with 'Right next to You' please help! Comment what you think will happen next!

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