Everyone was stunned.

Damn, that is some gnarly fog.. now I'm happy I didn't lag on setting up these tents.

Another moment passed and Mr.V roared out a big bellow of a laugh. The laugh snapped the rest of the men out of it and their faces turned expressionless again.  

"Well shit! Look at that! Some real dark magic shit right there!" Mr.V said turning back to the men. "That will be you if you don't comply by my rules capeesh?" 

"Yes sir!" The men responded. 

"Good! Now get this place prepped up for operations, I need to request for a more competent individual to replace Meatsack over there." 

The men glanced over to where the man once stood in the fog, nothing but a dark spot left in place of the heap. They got to work as Mr.V walked into his chamber. He dialed up Malcolm and after two rings it picks up. 

"Status update so soon?" Malcolm said on the other line.

"Well yes and no sir."


"One of your men couldn't stay in line and was used an an example. I threw him in the fog. Did you know that the fog makes people look like a popped water balloon before getting sucked into the ground like the floor is alive?"

There was a long, loud sigh that came back from the other end.

"Versailles... Two things... One - What did I tell you about killing off my men! I think you have set enough examples for me. Two - Yes I know what the fog does you imbecile! You have no idea what forces are at work. Just do your job and stop killing my men! Men are scarce these days anyways and we do not need more gone because they ticked you off! Understand!!" 

*sigh* "Yes sir I understand." Mr.V hated it when the boss nagged about him killing. Didn't the guy hire him for that very reason? What the Company says goes i guess 

"Great, and as for the replacement your obviously calling me for your in luck. Just so happens that I have a man that will be happy to take the others position."

"Thank you sir." Mr.V said as he hung up the phone.

Malcolm sat back in his chair and smirked. "That was easier than I thought."


"Back to the cliff?!" Sam said, irritation seeping through his voice. "Dude lets get the fuck outta here and find some help! We got a gun now so we can protect ourselves from Mr.V if he comes back. Besides, dont you want to find out what happened to our families? I'm pretty sure something like this can't happen without someone knowing about it."

Raymond paused, "I know it sounds crazy Sam but I meant just for now, we need to get somewhere away from this house before he gets here and I don't think hiding in another house is a good idea. The cliff is honestly the safest place I can think of at the moment."

"Bro, the cliff idea was because we had no choice, what if we don't make the fall this time? It just sounds too risky." 

"Says the dude who set the alarm off."

Sam gave Raymond a side-glare as they jogged away from the house, "Whatever dude I just don't want to jump off of a cliff again if I don't have to."

"I get it bro I just-

Raymond got cut off by another shout down the road. "The sound's coming from over there!"

Other people! This could finally be our break!

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