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Mr.V let the two goodie two-shoe kids get a head-start before the massacre because of their good behavior. Mostly for more entertainment.

Mr.V thought it would have been fun to hunt down a couple of kids after this crowd was eliminated. After all, this area was already evacuated and he had to stay posted here.

The school was a very good strategic spot to start our operations. The Company sent me into that school 5 years ago just for this moment.

I work for the Company because I'm strong enough to do the dirty work nobody else wants to do. It may be dirty but the Company says it's necessary and what the Company says goes.

The order to eliminate all personnel on the campus was given to me this morning. Looks like they are moving in.

These kids were the last of them so might as well try something fun. Might as well have fun with it right?

High school students would never last.. The two kids I thought I would have a fun time with proved me wrong. The cowards jumped instead of taking it like a man.

Oh well...

The fog would come soon so Mr.V started to hurry up his work here. After this he had three hours to set up the fog tents the Company made for the school. Allowing no lethal vapors in the vicinity. He got reports that ever since the impact a fog has been spreading, killing everything within the vapors.

Not him. He'd have those tents up in no time. It's not like he's a hybrid. Damn bastards need to be wiped off this Earth. Only God should have that kind of capability.


Raymond started to feel branches break from his weight. After a hard thud, he opened his eyes.

Not dead.. A good start...

Raymond rubbed his tailbone, probably going to be bruised from that fall.

"Told you to trust me!" Raymond looked around and saw Sam sitting there with a half smirk. Sam was still obviously horrified by what that just happened. Raymond wondered why he wasn't so freaked out.

Probably shock.

Either way he was going to use these moments in the most rational way. Raymond didn't hear the motorcycle anymore and assumed that Mr.V finished whatever he was doing up there.

Sam was silent for a while.

"What should we do now?" Raymond said to break the silence. Sam was staring at some leaves. "Wait for the government to take that phycho down duh."

"I don't know man. There weren't any cars or anything on the way up here and then this crazy shit happens the moment we get to the end. I just don't think anyone is coming for us dude.."

"Talk about hope. You sound so defeated yet we are probably the only ones alive in our class right now!" Sam said, still staring at the leaves. His voice sounded like a mix of rage and sadness. Don't blame him either, all Raymond could think about was his family.

This shit can't really be happening right now. Everyone disappearing and a teacher gone phycho killer maniac??
...I think I might be going insane...

Raymond snapped out of his thoughts. All of his logical thoughts vanished.

After what happened up there, there is no logic anymore.Thinking like that won't make me last long. Insane or not, this is my reality right now.

I guess I'll have to survive this reality until I find a rational explanation to bring logic back.

Raymond peeked out of the huge bush they landed in. It was a miracle this bush was here. All Raymond could see from outside was the ocean. He looked up and barely saw the edge of the cliff. "Yo Sam, I'm positive he thinks we are dead."

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