Fight Or Flight- 2

Start from the beginning

When his vision finally stabilized, Kid looked down to his arm and had to forcibly pry his metal fingers open so as to let go of Trafalgar Law's hand.

His eyes widened.

Shit, Law!

The smaller man was breathing, thank god, though his chest heaved with shallow, rushed breaths.

The high collar of his blue and white plaid shirt was wrapped tightly around Law's throat and Kid managed to tear it open before collapsing back onto the sand and tearing away at the collar of his own dress shirt.

After a moment of thought he tore his shirt open completely, relishing in the warmth of the sun and the burning sand on his pale skin.

Raising his left arm, Kid stared at the ocean water dripping from the crevices between sheets of metal and sighed. It would work again once it dried.

Beside him, Trafalgar Law began to stir.

He squirmed for a few moments before his grey eyes shot open and he gasped, skyrocketing from the ground in a flurry of sand and water.

The cinnamon skinned man pressed a tattooed hand to his chest and continued to gasp in air until he calmed down enough to breathe normally.

"Shit..." He gasped, then jumped to his feet, faltering for a moment to clutch at his aching abdomen. "SHIT!"

Law ran forward as fast as he could before collapsing onto his knees, waves licking at the soaked fabric of his jeans.

"GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!" He screamed, slamming his fists down into the water.

Kid called out to him and Law turned his glare to the redhead as he began to sit up once more.

"YOU!" The tattooed man shouted, stumbling to his feet and storming towards his savior.

"This is your fault! THIS IS ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT!"

Kid stared at him in shock. "My fault?! How the hell is this my fault?!" He winced and pressed a hand to his head, feeling blood on his fingers.

Ignoring the pain shooting up from his ribs, Law grabbed the remnants if Kid's shirt in balled up fists and practically shook the muscular man in fury.

"You were the one who just HAD to go around saying that nothing could go wrong! You fucking jinxed it!"

Kid snarled and tore Law's hands away from his shirt, then stood to tower over the man.

"Listen to me." He growled lowly. "I know you're scared, I know you're in shock, but just calm the fuck down! I'm scared too, OKAY? SO FUCKING CALM DOWN BEFORE YOU CHOKE TO DEATH, BASTARD!"

Law was indeed hyperventilating and Kid took the opportunity to wrestle him back down to the ground where he could calm down more effectively.

"JUST CALM THE FUCK DOWN!" Kid ordered, leaning face to face over Law.

Law flinched as a drop of blood ran down Kid's nose from his forehead and landed just below the dark circles beneath Law's eye.

The tattooed man hesited briefly before reaching up and pushing Kid's large body off of him with what little strength he had.

"Just get away from me." He muttered blandly.

Law stood again and brushed the sand away from his body before turning and walking inland.

"Where are you going?!" Kid called after him.

"To find out where the fuck we are, jackass!" Law called over his shoulder.

Kid watched his retreating form until Law was swallowed up by the tropical underbrush that ran rampant about a hundred yards from the shore.

Kid groaned and collapsed onto his ass back in the sand, his head throbbing.

Where did the adorable man from the plane go? What the hell even happened to the plane?

Casting his molten eyes over the ocean, Kid could see the very end of the plane still sticking out of the water, held up by a stray sandbar.

He looked back up at the sun and realized that it had been a few hours, since the crash. If no one was coming to investigate yet, then it was more than likely that he and Law were stranded on an unpopulated island. That would mean they needed food, water, fire, and shelter.

Kid groaned, but stood again and began wading back into that deadly ocean of blue.

Perhaps he could salvage something from the wreckage...

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