chapter 6

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Indigo's POV

Ugh damn Nick! I was already on my way to the beach when suddenly he came and just dragged me away to his car! And he even took my phone! I couldn't text Greyson! DANG NICK UGH HE RUINED MY DAY AAAGGHHHH. Now Greyson would hate me forever and ever RIP Indigo Ruth Seyfried wait I hate the name Ruth EW no just NO. Uggghhhhhh NICCCKKKK OSJSISBSKWKDKDLAA NICHOLAS GERALD SEYFRIED I HATE YOU SO MUCH IM SO MAD RIGHT NOW THAT I COULD KILL YOU BUT I WOULD GO TO JAIL SO NO.

"Hey Sissy what's with frown?" Yes, I've been frowning since HE DRAGGED ME TO HIS CAR AND TOOK MY PHONE AWAY AND RUINED MY DAY. " WHAT'S WITH THE FROWN? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? YOU JUST RUINED MY DAY NICK. YOU. JUST. RUINED. MY. FREAKING. DAY." "Well it was urgent!" "URGENT?! Are you kidding me?! You were hungry and that's what you call 'URGENT'?!" "it was really urgent! I could've died!" "NICK YOU'RE 18!" I slammed the door of his car and walked out of his car. I slipped before i went in my house but i didnt care. I was so mad! I walked in my room while stomping on the floor. I slammed my door and threw myself on my bed. I took out my phone.


Scratches all over my phone screen. Ok so Nick dragged me to his car and then he took my phone and threw it at the backseat and yelled, "IM HUNGRY!" and then he started to drive really fast as if he was driving in F1 and then the rain started to pour and when the thunder stroke he hit the break and I almost flew away and turned out my phone flew out of his car (he didn't close his car windows) and fell on the road and now it's broken! The road was wet and so did my phone! I was frustrated. Dammit I didn't save Greyson's number to my SIM Card! I rolled to the other side of my bed. I have so much things in my head.

I didn't care if my phone broke (kitten I actually care but), what I care about was my friendship! I promised Greyson that I'd be there but I didn't show up because of my stupid brother who acts like a 5 years old kid! Ugh I was so pissed! The rain poured even harder. as if it tells how I feel right now, another thunder stroke. I was angry and sad at the same time, no it's not miserable and magical. It's frustrating! I started to pull my hair. Uggghhhhhh I hope some sleep would clear my thoughts.


The light of the sun burned me. It was freakingly hot! Then I remembered what happened last night.


The beach.




I kicked my comforter and walked to Nick's room. His face was covered with comforters. I took off his comforters and threw him on the floor (I'm a girl but don't underestimate me. I'm more of a tomboy girl remember). "WHAT THE HECK, INDIGO?!" "WHAT THE HECK, NICK?!" I yelled. He rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry okay! I'm sorry! I'm gonna drive you to Greyson's house, you happy?!" He asked. " YOU SHOULD'VE ASKED THAT YESTERDAY!" "WELL I DIDN'T KNOW! " "YOU HAVE A MOUTH SO USE IT!" I slammed his bedroom door and stormed in my room. I walked in my bathroom and took a shower.

As the water from the shower flew, I started to think lots of things which is unusual because I rarely do that. What if Greyson hated me? What if he didn't want to talk to me again? What if- why did I even care?! I didn't even know so much about a boy who had the same birthday with me, who loved black and white, who hadn't had his first kiss, who- okay I knew a bit about him. A BIT. He's different. He's not like Daniel, he's not like any other guy. He is... Special.

After I finished my shower, I wore a random baby blue t shirt with short pants. I brushed my hair and tied it into a pony tail. I ran to my brother's room and dragged him out. "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND, INDIGO?!" He yelled. "THIS IS WHAT YOU DID TO ME LAST NIGHT. I'M DOING THE SAME THING YOU DID!" I pulled him to his car. "Now drive, " I commanded him. "What?! I haven't even taken a shower!" "I don't care! Drive me to Greyson's house!" "Ugh fine, fine!" I gave him his car key and he started to drive.

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