chapter 3

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I saw a brunette girl and a blonde guy, they were holding hands. They're facing back so I could only see their back. "I love you" "I love you too, Bay," the guy said. "So it's gonna be a super fun summer. Me and you ,together," the girl said. "Yeah. Screw my girlfriend" "screw my boyfriend" "haha we're now free. Well, my excuse was quite convincing. Who the heck wants to join a student exchange program to New York?" "You're smart babe" "I know, Bay, I know" . Both of them then went in a plane. I don't know how but I was inside the plane.

I sat at a seat behind them. "What's your plan once we arrived in NY? " "idk, break up with Indigo maybe" wait that's my name! "You?" The guy asked. "Break up with Greyson, duh" wait why's that girl mentioning Greyson's name? "We gonna have so much fun! I love you Bailey" "love you too Dan" the started kissing. Then I heard a loud explosion. The plane started falling and it dropped on a mountainous area.

"MOM!" I screamed. My mom came to my room. "What happened sweetie? Why are you sweating?!?!" I hugged her. "I had a nightmare," I said. "it's just a dream, it's just a dream.." "but it felt so real! It was about the plane crash, mom! I was in the plane while Dan and Bailey was in front of me! Then i heard a loud explosion-" "Bailey?" "Greyson's girlfriend that died in the plane crash, Dan's secret girlfriend." "Aww baby" "mom I'm 15" "sorry.."

"Well get ready girl, you have a date at 10," she said. "What date?" "Date with Greyson? Wait did you say no?" There was a moment of silence. "Oh! .... MOM THAT'S NOT A DATE!" "Uh huh? what is it then?" "I don't know okay I gotta get ready oh you need to cook? Ok, bye!" I said. My mom just shook her head and left.

I went in the bathroom and do my stuffs. I walked out only covered with a towel. "AAAA! GO OUT! " I screamed. "I'm sorry! Ok ok I'm going out!" Geez! Wadaheck was Greyson doing in my room?!?! That was embarrassing! I immediately grab a random shirt and wear a short pants. I dried my hair and brush it then I walked outside to the living room. Greyson is sitting on the couch, looking pale. I sat in front of him and he gulped. "I'm so sorry, your mom told me to wait in your room and-" "it's okay. Nobody knew that it would happen". He faked a smile.

"Indigo, eat your breakfast!" "Yea yea.. have you eaten breakfast, Greyson?" "Nope, im not hungry" "awh come on, my mom's foods are heaven!" He shook his head. "Come oonnnnnnn.... I won't go with you if you wouldn't eat breakfast here" "come on Indigo" "nope" "fine, fine" "yayyy!" I grabbed his hand and ran to the kitchen. "Here you go, red velvet pancakes". Greyson cut the pancake into half and put it inside his mouth. "Ow my gowsh mweses Seyfwied twis panchakews is sow dewicious!" He said. Then he inserted the other half in his mouth. "I've nevewr tastewd panchakews like twis befwore ow my!" My mom's face turned red. "Told ya my mom's foods are heaven! "

"Hey that's mine!" I said. "Not anymore" he put MY pancake inside his mouth. "Look who rejected my offer to eat breakfast but ended up stealing mine lol" "blame the pancakes for being so delicious!" I just rolled my eyes.

"So what will we do today?" "Mm.. Have you heard the story about The Tree House?" "No, what's that?" "Well my parents said that there were a girl and a boy who met each other In the Tree House but then the girl moved to a place that the boy didn't know because she didn't say anything about her move. 2 years after the girl left, that guy became a star and he did tours all over the world. He always gave some time to search for that girl in every place he went. Then he went to this place to check this community he made and in there he met that girl. The guy brought the girl to the tree house and said that they wanted to make a road on the area where the tree house was located and he told them to keep the tree house. The guy proposed the girl there and they got married" " wow. Touchy story. How come I've never heard about that before?" He shrugged. "Do you wanna go to where the tree house is" "wait it's real?" He nodded.

"Mom we're going out," I said. "Yes sweetheart. Make sure you'll be home before dinner!" "Yeah". "The tree house is located in the middle of Finlay Road. My mom said that it was named after the girl's last name" "I don't know that road . where is it?" "it's in the suburbs, pretty far from here.." "I've never been there before. This must be exciting!" He smiled, this time he gave me a REAL SMILE! We walked around ten minutes to reach that place. "Greyson this place looks creepy" "it's not! Not everyone knows the story about this place, only few people pass this place" "then why did they make a road?" "To help travelers maybe? I don't know. Hey that's the tree house!" He ran to the tree house located in the middle of the road. He climbed up the ladder and yelled, "come on! The view is beautiful from up here!" I ran a bit to the tree house. I climbed the ladder and stood up once I reached the top.

I gasped. "It does look beautiful from up here!" I said. I could see a lake from here! It looks so beautiful. "You see that lake?" Greyson said. "Yeah, it's pretty!" "My mom said that the girl used to live somewhere near there" "no, no. Don't tell me you wanna search for the girl's house" "exactly, let's go!" "No, greyson! We don't know if it's safe there!" "Come on... I really wanna see her house!" "Do you know her address? Do you know her her? No, right? Let's go back to the city please. I'm scared, " I said. "But we just reached here" "please?" I said, giving him my powerful puppy eyes. "Ugh fine. Those eyes are irresistible, " he said. "Hah! I knew it's powerful!"

We walked back to the city and decided to go to the mall. We went in this accessories shop and tried the stuffs In there. I put on this hat and acted like a cowgirl. "I am Indigo Cowgirl Seyfried, " I said. Greyson chuckled and grabbed another hat. "I am Greyson Cowboy Chance," he said. We both laughed at our silliness. We went out the shop and went to Mc Donalds to eat lunch. Greyson told me to find some seats while he orders the foods.

"There you go, Mrs. Seyfried, " he said. "Thank you, Mr. Chance, " I replied. "Umm.. I can't believe Bailey cheated on you" "me neither. I can't believe that Daniel cheated on you" "he's such a d!@k head" "and Bailey's such a b!+ch" then we all kept quiet until we finished our food. "I'm going to (create a name) School for 10th grade" "omg! I go to that school!" "Really?! That's so cool!" "What made you move?" "There are just too much memories of Bailey in there," he said. I patted bis back. "Awe, you should move on , boy" "indeed.. hey, what's your plan for summer?" "I don't know. I told my mom that I wanted to visit tropical country" "sounds cool!" "I know! Last year I spent my summer with Dan" "and I spent mine with Bailey.." we looked at each other. "Sally's parlor shop?" We asked altogether. We chuckled. "Let's go," he said.

It was a pretty fun time with him. He walked me home at 5, he gave me a hug before he left which made me shock because the last boy who hugged me was Daniel. I walked in my house and welcomed by Nick who's standing right in front of the door. "So how's the date?" He grinned. "For goodness sake Nick! I didn't have a date!" "What about the thing that I just saw just now?" "That's just a friendly hug! Dammit Nick go get a girlfriend! Get a life!" He rolled his eyes. "Dinner's ready btw, we're waiting for you in the dining room" "ok wait im gonna wash my hand first.

I walked to the sink and washed my hand, then I walked to the dining room. Today was the first day that we actually had a conversation in our dinner ever since Dan died. Everything is getting better actually.


didn't edit this one. Sorry if there are spelling or grammar mistakes

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