Fall In Love With Stranger (Greyson Chance Fan Fiction)

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I can't hold my tears anymore. The moment they burry his dead body, I can't help but scream. "NO! DON'T!" I screamed. My mom, who's standing beside me, tried to calm me down. "NO DANIEL! DON'T LEAVE ME! No.. no, Dan, no," I said. Tears keep on flowing down my eyes. They did it. They buried his body.

"I know he's happy up there, In. He won't like to see you cry like this," my best friend said. "It's easy for you to say that, Cas. BUT YOU DONT F@!KING UNDERSTAND HOW IT FEELS. YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HOW IT FEELS TO BE LEFT BY YOUR BELOVED ONE." I cried even more. "I'm sorry, Indigo. I'm so sorry. Yes, I don't know how it feels to be left by my love one. I know I would fall on my knees and cry but you should move on too, In. Life goes on, you can't just cry and cry all day long." "Can you please leave me alone, Cas?" "But-" "Please? " She sighed. "Ok."

"Why, Daniel? Why you should leave me that fast? There are so much things that we haven't done. We haven't even finished high school. I don't know what I should do without you. Please come back baby.." I said. Though I know that we won't reply to what I said, but I just wish he would.

"NO! MOM, DON'T! YOU CAN'T BURY HER, NO! COME BACK HERE BAILEY!" I heard a boy screamed. He's just a few graves away from me. He looked so depressed and frustrated, just like me. "YOU CANT BURY HER. BAILEY COME BACK DEAR IM NOT READY FOR THIS," he screamed again. But just like what happened to me, he couldn't do anything. Everyone went home but he stayed there while i was in front of my boyfriend, or ex boyfriend's grave. He just stands there and cry.

"Jerk," I said. He looked at me furiously. "Excuse me?" "You're a jerk!" I said. "Why the heck did you say that? You don't even know me," he said in between his tears. "I don't, but as what I've heard, 'boys don't cry'," I said. "oh you don't know what I've been through. If someone you love would leave you you'd do the same thing too" "that's what I'm doing right now" he looked confused. "This is my boyfriend's grave. He died at the plane crash," I said. "so did my girlfriend, " he said. "Wait-" we said in unison. We stared at each other for like a minute. "I gotta go," I said. "me too"


I threw myself on the bed as soon as I reached my room. I grabbed a picture of me and Daniel and put it on my chest. "You know what Daniel? I met this boy at your funeral. His girlfriend also died at the plane crash, I don't know, maybe you know her?" I sighed and put back the picture on my nightstand. "I really wanna hug you tight right now, but the fact that you're no longer here hurts so much. I wish you weren't there in that plane. I wish you weren't going out of town that day. I wish that you're with me right now. I wish that we could do plans that we made for our future. I wish you didn't accept the student exchange program"

I heard a knock on my door. "Indigo, baby, let's go downstairs and eat dinner," my mom said. "I'm not hungry" "come on baby you haven't eaten anything today" "but im not hungry mom" "come on I cooked bacon" "ok I'll go down in a few minutes." No, I just cant resist bacon okay bacons are heaven. I walked downstairs to the dining room and gathered up with my annoying brother. "look who came down just for bacon" "shut up Nick" "whatever"

the dinner was pretty quiet. Nobody really talked except for "please pass the salt". We've been having this kind of dinner for four days. When we found out that Daniel passed away nobody in the house talked about him. probably they knew if they would talk about him I would punch them?

I went on on Facebook and checked my notifications. "All of these condolences messages aren't helping, you know, "I muttered. I just read everything until I read a really hurtful message. "go die b!+ch your fckn boyfriend is DEAD. His death is worth it though lolz I know he wanted to see you suffer. you sucka lolz x."

GOSH. THIS GIRL. Can't you at least make a mourning girl happy?!


I woke up feeling really exhausted. Probably because I haven't been getting enough sleep. I spent most of my night mourning over my dead boyfriend. It just feels like, the world hates you so much that it had to take away your loved one. One day, the world gave you everything and one day, it took away everything.

I finally got enough strength to walk out of bed. I walked to my bathroom, washed my face and brushed my teeth then I walked downstairs to find something to eat. "No bacon for today. Just eat cereal, " my mom said. She definitely knew what I was searching. I grabbed a box of cereal and poured some milk in the bowl. " so how are you today, missy?" "I don't know. Just normal I guess" "good" "what is good for being normal? Being normal is so overrated," my brother asked. "She usually just says fine and of course it's good cause she said 5 words this morning which is a miracle" my brother just rolled his eyes.

I brought my bowl to the living room and I sat on the couch. I saw a boy passing our house. "wait, that guy looks familiar. Oh my god that's the guy from the funeral!" I put my bowl on the table and went outside. "hey! wait!" I yelled. He looked back and faked a smile. He walked towards me and say, "what?" "Where you heading to?" "The cemetery" I thought for a while. "can I go with you?" "sure. after you wear some slippers" "sorry.." i ran to my porch and wore any slipper I could see and ran back to him. "Let's go!"

"so what's his name?" "who?" "your boyfriend" "Daniel Kellan. and yours?" "she's Bailey Johnson" "what a coincidence huh? they both died in the same plane crush" "yeah. so why was your boyfriend in that plane?" "he was chosen to represent our school for a student exchange program in New York the whole summer. and Bailey ?" "she was going to spend her summer in there with her dad but .." "you don't have to say it" he again faked a smile. " how long have you guys been together? " he asked. "around two years. We've been dating since we were in middle school. you?" "2 years too and yeah we've been dating since middle school too" I gave him this confused look. "why do we have so much things in common? " "I don't know!"


okay so should I continue this?

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