Chapter 5 part uno!

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mkay so technically it's saturday now..... IDONTCAREWEAREPRETENDINGITSFRIDAY! ahem sooo yeah anyway short and stupid pfffft part 1 makes me sad cause I know it probably sucks Dx


Charles pov

I heard a rustle somewhere off to the right whilst half asleep. Groggily I let out a groan and roll to face the noise, and upon cracking open an eye to investigate the curtains are drawn open and sunlight stabs me in the eye.

I hiss and pain and cocoon myself in my plushy covers making sure to pull them way up over my head. I hear a chuckle, a sadist one at that. I’m mean who laughs at my poor eyes getting figuratively stabbed this early in the morning!? Evil sadistic people, that’s who!

I try and give a stern warning but it’s muffled by a mouthful of blanket. “Goff awa, I bwe shurf to haff you kffilled fwor interfupting myf sfleep!” and my delicious dreams about Ry…

I’m answered by another (evil) chuckle and I can feel someone grip the duvet. Not even a second later my warm, safe cocoon is ripped away from me and I let out a shriek. Then, as if on que, I start rolling to and fro on the bed in a tantrum.

“Noooo! Give it back I’m dying, DYING! If I’m dying, you’ll die to! I’ll see to it! Die, die, die, die, die, di-“  my wailing is stopped forcefully by a pair of warm lips and I unconsciously moan from the contact. As the lovely lips pull away from mine I pout a little at the loss and open my eyes to see Ry’s eyes gleaming mischievously with a stupid little smirk to boot.

“Good morning, Char. I’m sorry to hear your still dying as you seem to be every morning” he rolls his eyes at that part and continues, “but you know, your words wound me a great deal.” He sighs and clutches at his chest. Pfft drama queen. “Since you seem so set on it though, I’ll be sure to see to it that I’m buried in a shallow grave by midday. 

My jaw slackens and my mouth drops at the same time my eyes grow huge in shock as he makes for the door, I bet I look like a scared little bug right now. He takes a few steps and I clamber out of bed and nearly trip on my covers in my haste to get to him.

“Noooooooo! Waiiiitttt! Ryyyy!” Great I’m back to whining, oh well... I jump and cling to him like there’s no tomorrow. I wrap my legs around his midriff and keep my arms tight around his neck as I rub my face into his back. “No. no. no. no. nooooo! I’m sorry Ry! I will never ever never say it again, don’t dieeee!”

He chuckles and I can feel it vibrate through us both. “Oh really, why is it you say it every day then? Hmmm? Certainly you have to mean it to say it every single day!”

Slowly I inch my way around his body so now I’m gripping to him in the front. “Nooo Ry! Why would I want you to die? Do you not remember what I told you last night?”

“Hmmmm, I don’t recall you saying anything in particular…”

Again I’m wearing my shocked face, “You, you what!? You don’t remember!?”

“Is there something specifically I should be remembering?” he asks questionably and I’m absolutely flabbergasted!

Horrified, in a shriek-ish whisper I yell, “You- you said you love me! And.. and I love you! I love you, I love you, I love you! How can you NOT remember!?”

I stared frightenedly at Ry, on the verge of tears, and watched slowly as his face turned from quizzical to amused. When he started laughing I lost it.

“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU LAUGHING ABOUT YOU JERK!? YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY, I DON’T SEE… oh…” it dawned on me at that moment why he was laughing.  I jumped down off of him and gave his chest a hard shove. “YOU ARE A JERK YOU KNOW THAT!? IT’S NOT NICE TO TRICK ME AND TEASE ME AND… and…” tears started flowing out of my eyes and I swiped at them furiously. “and.. and…”

I could only make out Ry’s blurry shape as he moved forward and embraced me. Immediatley  melted into his grasp.

“I’m sorry Char, I didn’t mean to make you cry I was only teasing and I really just wanted to hear you say you loved me again. That’s no excuse though and I’m so sorry.” His voice was low and had a guilty tone.

“I-I know… it’s just that… I was scared that you didn’t love me and I’m scared that you will leave me and I don’t want to be alone and I don’t want you to ever day and I don’t-“

He pulls me as close as possible and my yammering is cut short as my face is buried into his chest. “Shh, it’s alright Char, don’t be afraid. I love you okay? Never doubt that, and I will never leave you no matter what. Like it or not you’re stuck with me.”

I pull my face away from his chest and give him a teary smile. “Thanks, Ry… I’m glad I have you.”

“Well, well… what is it we have here?”

The color drains from my face and I feel Ry’s body stiffen. Timidly, I angle my head to look around his shoulder. “Lu-lucien!?”

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