Chapter 1!

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hehe, so yeah did my story start... it probably sucks.. :/ but HOT DAMN look at my lovely babies off to the side! @~@ mitch hewer... I WILL MARRY YOU♥♥♥♥♥♥ anywhosermabob! :D

“Charly, charly… Charles?” I sit up immediately as I locate the voice and nearly knock heads with my childhood companion, Rylan.  “Are you alright, Char? You shouldn’t wander about alone… it would be a horror if something were to happen to you.” His big brown eyes bore into mine and a worried expression is painted over his features.  

I let out an airy sigh and collapse back onto the grass. Rylan crouches further over me and gently rests his warm and slightly rough hand against my head. “You haven’t run ill, have you? You shouldn’t lay about so carelessly, you could easily fall sick.” I give him a faint smile, “No Ry, I’m fine. I just needed some time for myself… to think.”

He withdraws his hand and falls back onto his butt with a thoughtful frown on his face. “Time for yourself to think… think of what?” I sigh again, internally this time.  “Just of things…” I let my words trail off. He continues on though. “Things such as?...”  Things such as yourself.  “Oh you know”, I say focusing my attention to a passing cloud. “No…I don’t think I do, Char.” Things such as, what I am to do. “Char… Charly… Charles!”

Rylan again recaptures my drifting attention and has an odd look on his face. “You can tell me if something is bothering you, you know that? You know that, don’t you, Char?” The wind picks up a bit more on the hill top, and flutters my hair about. Groggily, I sit back up and run a hand through my hair, letting my palm rest at the crown of my head. I give another weak smile and cock my head towards Rylan. “If I wanted you to know… if I wanted to tell you… then, I would tell you. Understand?” I finish somewhat shortly. I can’t take his unnecessary badgering on top of everything else.

I continue to lock gazes with him as he processes my words and am taken aback when his eyes glaze over. He then abruptly stands and comes to a deep bow before me. He speaks, and his voice is as blanks and expressionless as his face had become. “I understand completely, sir. I am deeply sorry for encroaching upon your precious time. I’ll await for your return back at the castle, forgive me, my prince.” Having finished he turns quickly on his heels and marches briskly back to the castle.

Shocked, I call desperately after him. “Ry! Rylan! Wait!” My cries have no affect on him and he continues to walk on. That bastard. He never talks to me in such a formal way. Although I may be a prince, Ry knows I don’t expect him, nor do I want him, to talk to me so stiffly. Yes, that’s right. I, Charles Acelin Astley, am a prince born of noble blood. That doesn’t change the fact that Rylan is my friend though. My one precious friend.  My only friend. It hurts when he acts so distant.

Then again, I suppose I might have come off wrong to him.  He probably assumed that I was bothered by his presence and hindered by him. That I was subtly trying to tell him to keep his nose in his own business and was trying to push him away. Isn’t that what you decided upon doing though? To keep him at arm’s length in order to protect him?  

Damn, why did the church have to preach such foul, and undoubtedly wrong, bullshit to everyone. Now, thanks to them, no part of society would accept such a so-called ‘sin’. If anyone were to discover that… NO! I won’t let that happen. Enough befalls him because of me already! I WILL protect him.

Grrr, why must everything be so difficult! I stand, and lazily dust myself off and head towards the castle. I need to make things okay with Rylan. I couldn’t stand it if he were to hate me. He might already though. He has every right to, and if it was he to discover the truth you keep hidden… do you think he would not hate you just as society would?  I groan and grasp my head in my hands. I’m giving myself such a headache.

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