14 * DREAM * 14

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I wake up even more intertwined with her than usual. She's breathing softly, blowing the wisps of hair in front of her face repeatedly. I tuck them behind her ear gently and she stirs in her sleep, scrunching her nose.

"Stop it, let me sleep." She whines, cuddling back into my chest, moving herself so she's now laying completely on top of me between my legs.

I grab the comforter and pull it up over both of us, tucking it around her to make sure she's warm. I rest my arms around her back and hold her to me, remembering as I pull down the hem of her sweatshirt that she chose to sleep in my clothes last night.

I smile to myself as my phone dings on the nightstand next to her. I reach for it the best I can without moving her and come up short just as it dings another two times. She groans as she rolls over and grabs it herself, rubbing her eyes as she reads through the messages.

Her blissful smile is replaced with furrowed eyebrows in a matter of seconds and suddenly my stomach is in my throat. I reach for my phone from her hand but she pulls away, continuing to read through my messages.

"Jess," I huff, "Come on."

"Why the hell is Ashlyn texting you and asking why she didn't wake up next to you? Were you with her last night?" She asks curiously, holding my phone just out of reach.

"I, yeah, she um, she texted me after work," I stutter, trying to remember where I told her I was yesterday, "But after I went over there I didn't want to be there, I wanted to be here."

She seems to entertain my explanation for a second before the angry look in her eye returns and she throws my phone at me, getting up from the bed.

"Jess, come on!" I reason with her, following her outside, "You just went out on a date with Miles like two days ago!"

"I didn't sleep with him and then leave to go cuddle with another guy!" She shouts.

Suddenly I realize that she's not mad that I went to Ashlyn's house, she's mad that I left Ashlyn and came here.

"Jess-" I begin, trying to think of what I can say to make this better.

"No!" She shouts, shoving the bathroom door between us, "I'm not going to be your sloppy seconds, Styles!"

I can't believe the words as they come out of her mouth with tears brimming in her eyes. Sloppy seconds? Jess? Is that what she thinks she is? She's untouchable, unfathomable. She's too good to even be on my leaderboard, let alone rank second.

"Jess, is that honestly what you-"

"Just go away, Harry." She sniffles.

I hear the screech of the shower start and the sounds of her crying get louder. She must think I can't hear it over the pipes but I can, loud and clear. It's only Niall calling my name from the kitchen that stops me from barging in and kissing her dumb crying face.

"Harry? You work today?" He asks, flipping pancakes on the stove.

"Yeah," I shrug, taking a seat on a barstool, "pancakes on Thursday?"

"Felt like diabetes for breakfast." He says plainly causing me to laugh.

I get up from my seat and pour a cup of coffee as Louis and Sam appear around the corner from his room already giggling with each other.

"I think it's about time they fix the heat already, I'm sick of you two." Niall chuckles, throwing a pancake at them.

Sam catches it in her free hand that isn't wrapped around Louis and takes a bite as she strolls into the kitchen. Louis grabs two mugs and pours them both a cup of coffee.

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