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I wake up to the light pouring in the curtains and look beside myself to see her thoroughly cuddled into my side. It got cold last night which prompted me to grab her an extra blanket from the linen closet in the bathroom around three in the morning when she shook me awake to complain. Of course I suggested that she just snuggle up to me but she only rolled her eyes and stuffed another pillow between us. Now, her legs are intertwined with my own and her cheek is resting against my chest, her arm lazily draped across my stomach.

Her hair is nearly golden in the light, the usual dark red color nowhere to be seen due to the sun already high in the sky, beating down on us. She stirs in her sleep with her eyebrows furrowed together, mumbling something about sweating to death.

"Jesus Christ it's hot in here, did you turn the heat up to ninety?" She complains, turning over on top of me and suddenly coming within two inches of my face.

Her eyes open and adjust to the scene in front of her. The horrified look on her face when she realizes she's been sleeping on top of me feels like a punch in the gut. She scoots away from me completely, stuffing the forgotten pillows back between us before getting up and shoving on her slippers. She's already shivering as she walks to the door and I realize I must radiate some serious heat if she was complaining about being hot two minutes ago.

"Morning to you too." I huff, getting out of bed and shoving my legs through a pair of cotton pants.

I follow her out to the kitchen where Louis and Sam are already cuddling on the couch with bowls of cereal in their hands, laughing at some reality TV show nearly blaring this early in the morning. She meets Niall in the kitchen and asks where the cereal is so she can pour herself a bowl and I shove past her to the coffee pot to pour myself a cup.

She won't even meet my eyes as she stands there shivering, taking the box of cocoa pebbles from Niall and dumping them into a bowl.

"Well I'm glad someone else in this house has a brain in their head," Niall laughs, "Those two over there said they hated cocoa pebbles and opted for cheerios. Who the fuck eats cheerios?"

"I do, Nate." I laugh, grabbing the cheerios and pouring myself a bowl before cutting up a banana to put on top.

Jess takes a seat at the breakfast bar, shivering as she stuffs her mouth with cereal. I sigh and walk around the corner to the thermostat and bump it up a few degrees. I grab my cereal and elect to stand and eat it while I drink my coffee, knowing that if I sit next to her she'll start an argument.

"So, what's the plan today roomie, we've got literature in an hour." I smile, leaning against the cabinet behind me.

"I guess you're driving." She sighs, nodding her head towards the windows in the living room.

I glance outside to see everything covered in a thin veil of ice. October seems to be a little early for snow, but it looks like it's only a dusting of snow on the ground, not nearly enough to hinder any driving. It'll probably melt by noon.

"Sounds good to me," I shrug, putting my empty cereal bowl in the sink, "what class do you have after literature?"

"Government." She answers through a mouthful of cocoa pebbles.

"What time does that get out, so I can drive you home?"

"Three thirty," She mumbles, "but you don't have to pick me up, I can get Jace or-"

"I'll be there."

I finish off my coffee and put my mug in the sink, electing to grab a shower before someone else occupies the bathroom. I close the door behind me, setting my clothes on the counter and grab my toothbrush from the cup with hers. I brush my teeth without paying much mind, moving her face wash and makeup remover out of the way so they don't get toothpaste on them.

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