Chapter 8

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The machines beeping fills my ears and i flutter my eyes open. Zeke is sat in the plastic chair next to me, his hand entwined with mine and his face is leant on his hand as he snores lightly. My head pounds like a pain filled drum and my body feels numb with coldness.

"Mum?" A voice asks and i turn to see Hope and Lucas sat on my left side.

"Hey, kids." I smile.

Hope scans my face and knows Im forcing it on, but Lucas smiles back.

"Are you okay?" Lucas asks.

"That's a stupid question, Lucas. Mums in hospital." Hope points out.

"Im fine. How long have you been here?" I ask.

"2 hours, its 11 o'clock." Hope answers.

"You two should be in bed." I say, lifting my free hand and ruffling Lucas' hair.

"Do you know what happened?" Lucas asks.

"I had a car crash, didn't i?"


"Grandads here. He said he'd takes us home when you woke up." Hope explains.

"But Grandad has been drinking."

"Uncle James is here too." Hope announces.

"You two should go now, don't worry, Im fine. You both look tired." I point out.

"Okay, bye mum. Love you." Lucas replies as he walks out of my hospital room.

"Bye mum. Love you." Hope says and follows Lucas.

I glance over at Zeke as he stirs in his sleep. He lifts his other hand and squirms in his seat so he crosses his legs. I smile and lean over so i stroke his dirty blonde hair. He murmurs under his breath and i stroke behind his ear slightly, teasing him.

Suddenly, his eyes spring open and meet mine.

"You're okay! Thank god." He comments, sitting up and squeezing my hand more.

"Im fine. I don't remember anything after i crashed into the tree." I admit.

"It was not far from your dads, they had to cut you out of the car and air lift you to hospital. They rang me and i rang your dad." Zeke explains.


"Can i ask you something?" Zeke questions.


"What is this?" He asks, pulling out the used needle that still contains a drop of the black liquid.

"Um..." I mutter, looking away from him.

"Skye? What is this?" He repeats, raising it to my eye level. I look deep into him and smile.

"It helps me sleep." I lie.

"Sleep? Why were you taking it in the car?"

"I wasn't. Its one i took last night as i got out of the car." I explain.

"Skye, please tell me what is going on." He begs, squeezing my hands together and gazing into my eyes.

"Nothing babe. Im fine." I insist, kissing his nose and smiling.

"Tell me if something happens." He orders and i nod, knowing i can't tell him.

"I will." I lie.

"You should sleep."


My eyes flicker shut and soon, i fall into a deep drug filled sleep.


Zeke swings my arms around his neck and scoops me into his arms. I lean my stitched and aching face against his chest as he opens the front door. Zeke's deodrant fills my nose and i breath it in. He places me on the brown leather living room sofa and pulls a blanket over me. He then kisses my forehead and sits at my feet.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

"Im okay." I admit, brushing my hand across my painful head.

"I've got something to tell you." Zeke announces, clasping my hand and glancing at me.

"What is it?"

"We've been offered a world tour."

My heart stops. I have a month left. If Zeke left, i wouldn't see him for months. But this is his dream, i don't want to be the one who stops his dream.

"That's amazing!" I paint on a smile.

"We can all go, make it a family holiday." He suggests.

"Maybe." I mumble.

If we travelled the world, i would die in a foreign country, i wouldn't see my dad, i wouldn't see the Avengers. This is a massive decision. But i don't want to upset Zeke.

I smile at Zeke and kiss him.

"Zeke, that is an amazing opportunity. But Im not sure if it's a good idea." I whisper, biting my lip and hoping he doesn't ask why.

"Why not? You said its amazing. Hope and Lucas will love it." He points out.

"I don't know. Can we talk later?"

"I have to give them my decision by next week."

"Why didn't you tell me before?"I ask.

"You weren't talking to me. I wanted to surprise you." He admits and stands up, walking out of the living room.

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