Chapter 3

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The elevator doors spring open and i step out and into floor 13 of s.h.i.e.l.d headquarters. The floor is mainly black and in front of me are dozens of workers dressed in blue bodysuits sat around computers. Colson is leant over someone's desk and teaching a black haired man how to do something.

"Sir." I say and he spins around to see me.

A smile spreads across his face and i feel uncomfortable.

"Hello, Skye. How are you?" He asks.

"Im okay."

"How's the dating life?" He teases, a smirk filling his face.

"Don't Colson. What's this new thing then?" I ask.

"Shush. This is confidential, follow me." He whispers and walks down a black corridor.

I follow him and my mind starts to race. What have i agreed to?

Colson opens the black metal door and i step into the room.

The walls are white and to the left is a half wall with a window and in the middle is a hospital like bed with rails. Behind the bed is lots of machines that show colourful charts and lines with numbers. To the right is a wall covered with cupboards and shelves, all containing bottles of medicine.

"Take a seat on the bed." Colson orders.

I take a step forward and sit on the crisp white bed.

"Is this the same room that i had my very first tests done in?" I question.

"Good observation."

"You got a new window though." I tease, smiling at the memory.


A female woman, wearing a white dress marches in, her blonde hair tied up in a bun and her make up covered face scanning me.

"Please lay back." She says.

I lean back on the bed and lay down fully, until my back is on the soft material and a light shines on the ceiling.

The woman sticks two plastic discs to my forehead and places a clip on my finger.

"You'll feel a scratch." The woman points out as she places a thin syringe against my skin, containing a jet black liquid. The needle pierces my skin and pushes into my vain, making me tense. She pushes the black liquid in until nothing is left, the warm drug fills my vein and travels into my blood stream.

"Blood pressure is a little high. Brain waves are normal. Heart rate is normal." The woman explains.

My mind races at what the drug could contain. Anything.

"You okay?" Colson asks, crossing his arms at the end of the bed.

"Yeah, Im fine." I ensure him.

"You need to take the injection every 5 hours. But at night time, take one before you go to sleep and then one when you wake up." Colson explains.

"Im the only one doing this, aren't i?" I guess.

"Yes. You need to ring us if you feel any side effects."

"Okay." I say, sitting up on the bed.

The nurse straps a watch onto my wrist and it ticks loudly, filling the room.

"This will beep to alert you that you must take another injection." The nurse explains and i nod along.

"What happens if i don't take one at the right time?" I ask.

"We don't know." Colson admits.

"Great. This is definitely an experimental drug." I smile.

Colson places a black briefcase on the end of the white bed and pulls the lid up, revealing rows of syringes full of the black drug. He glances up at me with questioning eyes and i nod, putting on a brave face. He then closes the lid and i pull off the head disks and pressure clip on ny finger.

Suddenly, my phone rings in my pocket with a video call from my dad. I stand by the door and accept.

"Where are you? You were meant to be here half an hour ago." My dad rants. He's dressed in a black suit with his arc reactor shining proudly through and his black hair gelled down. His projection stands in front of me and he looks very annoyed.

"Im caught up at s.h.i.e.l.d but Im on my way. Can you give me twenty minutes?" I question as i pull my keys out of my pocket.

"The board is getting restless. You need to hurry up." He argues.

"Im coming."

I grab the briefcase full of the drug and sprint to my silver porche. I unlock it and speed down the roads.

I knock on the wooden door and someone shouts to come in. I step through the door and scan the room. There is a giant wooden table in the center of the room and lots of men in business suits are sat one side and my dad is sat on the opposite side. He smiles at me.

"I deeply apologise for being late, i over ran at a meeting with the Avengers sector." I apologise and walk up to the table. The first man shakes my hand too firmly and i nod at the other men. I sit down next to my dad and i feel his foot kick against mine.

"Obviously we are concerned for the city." An Irish man announces.

"I know." I whisper, rubbing my hands on my white and red flowery dress.

"The Iron Suit that your daughter made took control of her body. Is that correct?" He asks, sending me a questioning look.

"Yes. Hope had no control of the suit, she is not responsible for the death of the few citizens." I point out honestly. I won't let them bully Hope.

"But she is responsible. Did Hope not build the suit?"

"Yes, but she didn't know what it was capable of." I argue back.

"Surely Hope would have known and built a suit similar to yours?"

"Hope is an independent teenager. She wanted to prove that she was independent." Dad interrupts.

"Did you know Hope had built a suit?" Another man asks and i begin to squirm in my seat as the room seems to get hotter.

"Yes, i did." I mumble and dad glances at me.

"Why didn't you destroy it?"

"Because i know it would have hurt her. It would have hurt me if someone had destroyed my suit so i couldn't do it." I whisper.

"Three people were killed." The man reminds me.

"I know."

"Realistically, your daughter is a murderer." Another of the men point out.

"Wouldn't you agree?"

"No, i don't! Hope had no control, the suit had a problem and took over. This was not Hope's fault." I shout as i stand up, leaning my arms on the wooden desk.

My eyes turn ice cold.

I hear glass shatter behind me and the men in front all jump out of their seats and walk backwards to the glass wall opposite.

My dad places a gentle hand on my shoulder and i shrug him off.

"It was the suit!" I argue, glaring at them.

"Why does everyone have glass walls? That's stupid!" I point out and march to the door.

I slam the door and the door nob falls off in my hand. I throw it onto the table and storm out.

I march into reception and my dad sprints after me.

"You knew she built the suit?" He shouts and the blonde receptionist glares at us.

"Yes, i did. Okay? I made a mistake. No one is perfect." I shout.

"Skye, what is wrong with you recently? You're all over the place. You can't control yourself." Dad points out.

"Nothing. Im fine." I lie, painting on a smile.

Deep down, i want to tell him. I want to tell him that slowly and painfully my mutation is taking over my body. I can no longer control it. I only have a short amount of time left and i don't want to deal with stupid little pointless meetings, when i have little time left.

Slowly and painfully, Im dying.

Between Life or Death (Stark's Daughter 6)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang