Dinosaurs. {Tsukishima x Reader}

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This ones kind of fluff/angst kinda thing

Pls read a/n at the end.




"Ohayo! Tsukki!" You smiled cheerfully, as you saw the megane boy. He turned around, and gave you a big toothy grin.

"(Y/n)! Wanna play with my dinosaurs again?" He asked curiously. You shook your head yes.

He brought you over to where a big and shady tree was planted. You both plopped down onto the cold grass.

He gave you his green dinosaur plushie, and you two began to play.

"Rawr!" Tsukishima yelled happily. You giggled, and played with the green dinosaur.

"What should we name him?" You asked as you pointed to the green dinosaur plushie.

He placed a hand on chin, and closed his eyes and thought carefully.

"Ooo! What about Dino-chan?" He asked. You smiled liking the name.

It had a nice ring to it.

"Ok! His name will be Dino-chan!" You said joyfully.

You two kept playing with the toys until it was time for you two to go.

*time skip~*

The next day you came back and saw tsukishima again, but you weren't here to play with him again.

Haikyuu!! X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now