Fight ch. 2

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Jungkook's POV

I decided to get revenge...

"V hyunggg," I jumped on his back. I squished his cheeks, "maknae what are you doing?" He struggled. "Jimin gave us a look from across the room. Tae ran over to him, making me fall.

"Shortie you look upset," he put his hand on Jimin's head. "Tae get off of meee," he pouted. "Ahh so cute!" Taehyung exclaimed.
Great, now V wants to take my Jimin away from me too...

I sat in the corner upset and J-hope came over bothering me. "What's wrong friend?" I looked up, "nothing."
"Are you still missing your eomma?" He sat next to me. "Or is it something else?"

I sighed, "something else..." He hugged me, "whatever it is, it'll be alright, your hyungs are here for you."
Dang J-hope why are you so nice...

"Thank you hyung." He pulled me up, "come hang out with us." I went over and jimin poked me. "What?" I whispered. "Hey Jungkookie." I looked away,"stop bothering me for once please." Jimin pouted, I couldn't help but turn and stare at his face.
I caught myself lost in his eyes for a little too long.

"Kookie? Jimin?" Tae snapped us out of it. "I....I have to go," I left the room. I couldn't bear my feelings for him and whenever I'm around him I keep thinking about him and yoongi.

Why does he have to love him? What did I do wrong? Did I push him away too much? Can I win him back?

I laid down and asked myself all of these questions. I heard a knock on the door. I slowly opened it hoping not to see Jimin.

When I opened it I was surprised, "Yoongi?" He looked down at the floor. "Can we talk?" I let him in, "about what?" It was obvious what he wanted to talk about but...

"Listen, I know it feels like you and I have been at each others neck lately but I just wanted to say, no hard feelings."
I nodded, "its okay Yoongi hyung."
He stood up, "ok good, by the way I forgive you for stealing the love of my life." I stood up quickly, "The-"
I went over to him, "listen up you mint haired old lady!" I yelled pushing his shoulder.

He pushed me back, "no you listen, brat!" I held my shoulder and looked at him. My eyes filled with anger. I went over and punched him. He held his cheek and pushed me to the floor. "Bad choice," he picked up a chair and I shielded my face.

Right before he threw it at me the door swung open. All of the members were standing there. "Hyung stop!" Jimin ran over and took the chair from him.
"He started it!" Yoongi yelled and Jin helped me up, "you're suppose to be the older one!"

I was holding my shoulder that was in pain. Jimin ran over and rubbed my shoulder, "y-yoongi...just go..."
He looked away from Yoongi. Yoongi lookedbaround the room and they all shook their heads at him. "UGH!" he ran out of the room.

"Someone needs to talk to him." Jin said. "I'll do it," J-hope sighed, "I have a feeling I know what's bothering him."

J-hope POV

I went to go find Yoongi. "Suga!" I stopped, finding him angry in a corner writing something. "What's up with you?" I sat next to him. He looked at me," what's up with me?" I nodded. "I'm tired of having to hide my feelings, and whenever I express them I'm rejected or turned down because of that damn maknae."
He got up," I'm tried of him being so perfect, and I'm just the ugly, short, grandpa who tries to be cool!"

I signed,"Yoongi no one thinks of you like that, why are you putting yourself down so much? Has someone been saying these things to you?" He took a deep breath and sat again. "Everyday," he looked at the floor,"I check twitter, YouTube, Facebook, everywhere, there's comments, people saying that I'll never be loved."

I stood up, "min Yoongi!" You know what surpasses those idiots? ARMYS! US! we all love you and you know that!" He hid his face and mumbled,"jimin doesn't.."
I pretended to not hear him, so that I could talk to Jimin. I sat with him, trying to comfort him until Jungkook and Jimin were done talking.

Jimin's POV

Ugh, why does Yoongi have to be like this? I told him how I felt, he won't accept it. Now he's hurting the one I love, for what? Revenge? Ugh, why is he doing this?
"Jungkook are you sure you're okay?"
I said wrapping his shoulder up, he hurt it pretty bad. "Yeah, I'm okay."

I couldn't stand seeing him hurt.
"What happened in there? How did this start?"
He looked at me,"we got in an argument it was my fault, I hit him first." I sat next to him and held his hand,"why did you hit him kookie? What did he say that was so bad?"he pulled his hand away. "Why do you ask so many questions!?"

I jumped a little, why did he snap at me? "Jungkook..." He got up and left the room.

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