Jealousy ch. 1

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Jungkook's POV

Jimin walked into the room with his coffee. For some reason he felt like speaking English, which he's terrible at,"oh hyung, mulk please." He spoke with his annoying, yet cute, accent. Jin hyung passed him milk for his coffee. "Why are you talkeu English?" I attempted to speak to him in English but failed miserably.

Hobi hyung came out of no where, "English speaku?" Jimin spit his coffee out laughing and it got all over Yoongi hyung.

He looked like he was going to kill him but just wiped it off.

"Sorry hyung!" Jimin said in Korean while hugging him. Jealousy stirred in me. I got angry at the long hug and left looking upset. Jimin noticed and gave me a back hug.

I pushed away looking disgusted. Jimin didn't notice there was anything wrong because he was used to rejection...

I went into a room and sat down playing a rhythm game. I saw everyone walk in and I groaned. V hyung jumped on Jimin's back. "Ughh," I went for the door and everyone turned to me.

"Where you going maknae?" I rolled my eyes, "bathroom." I sat I'm the bathroom and cried.

I usually never cry over little things but today I had to let it out.
I heard a voice outside the door. "Jungkookie?" It was Jimin, damn I think he hears me crying.
"Jungkookie can I come in?"
"No! I'm using the bathroom you perv!" I wiped my tears.

I heard him sigh, "kookie, I know you're not..." I slowly opened the door hiding my face,"what?"
Jimin quickly got in and shut the door. "What are you doing?" I looked surprised.

"I got a secret to tell you, and I only trust you to keep it." I looked at him revealing my tears,"what hyung?" He didn't tell me because he was worried, "why are you crying?"

I had to think of a lie quickly, "I-I miss my eomma.."
He hugged me tightly, "awe, Jungkookie~" I couldn't hide my red cheeks, "s-so what's the secret?"

Jimin let go and realized he hasn't told me yet, "oh the secret is-" right then a knock was heard.
"Kookie, Jimin, you there?"

I rolled my eyes, "one second hyung!" I opened the door and Tae raised his eyebrow, "what?" I glared. "No need for the 'tude young one." I pushed him,"V you're so annoying, how are you even the older one."

Everyone looked at me because I usually never disrespect my hyungs unless I'm joking. "Kookie go to your room!" Jin pointed. "YOURE NOT MY MOM!" I stomped to my room.
"What's wrong with the maknae?" Everyone questioned.

Namjoon was sitting on my bed listening to music. "Get off my bed," I tried to pull his headphones out of his ears but I pulled them out of his phone instead, revealing the music he was listening to.

It was a solo Jin did. "J-jin hyung?" I pulled him off my bed.
He looked embarrassed, "I ...I like his voice." I looked confused but shrugged and laid down.

I put my headphones in listening to "house of cards." Every time Jimin sang my heart felt like it was burning. I had so many emotions that I started to be in actual physical pain.

"Agh," Namjoon looked up. "You ok?" I sighed, "my heart hurts."
He came over a laid next to me. "What's wrong?"
"I'm really upset and confused and I -" he inturuped, "ahh hormones I see."

I raised an eyebrow,"seems like youre finding love, what group is she from?"
I blushed, "its not a girl group member.."
"Ooooh," he looked at me, "a boy group member?" I jumped a little and blushed like crazy.
"H-hyung! ... M-maybe.."

He nodded, "is he innn.....got7?" I shook my head, "ew." He smiled, "oooh exo." I looked at him disgusted, "no!" He smiled wider," oh oh seventeen?"
I got annoyed, "no!" He laughed, "just kidding, its BTS isn't it?"

We spoke at the same time
"Just kidding of course not.."

We both then turned to each other, "it is?" He was surprised, "oh."
I left embarrassed and we all had to go to practice. I saw everyone talking and goofing around as always, but when I walked in they stopped. I looked confused, "what?"

They all walked towards me, "h-huh?" They all gave me a hug.
"What's going on?" Jin put a hand on my shoulder,"jimin told us everything." I looked at Jimin, who gave me a cute grin, "told them what?"

He came over and hugged me from behind, "that you're upset cuz you miss your eomma (。・ω・。)." I gave him a look when he made that face," y-yeah sorry guys, sorry v hyung," I looked down.

Jimin let go of me but I pulled his wrist as a signal to not let go. I sat with him while his arms were around me, playing in my phone. Everyone was practicing for our next performance and we just sat here talking.

"No one can beat my score in this, I'm the best!" He let go, "nuh-uh! Bet j can!" I looked into his beautiful eyes, "is that a challenge, shortie?" He laughed, "what'd you say punk?" We both got up and play-wrestled, laughing uncontrollably.

Everyone gave us looks and then he landed on top of me. I was blushing non-stop. He gave me a wide, 'innocent' grin. "Hyung get off!" I giggled. I saw a look of jealousy on Yoongi's face. V hyung gave us a funny, perverted look, I giggled at him.

5 days later...

During the past few days jimin and I have been closer than ever. One night we were skyping from different rooms.

"Jiminie put on a shirt!" I covered my eyes. "Sorry, I was sleeping," he said when I heard another voice. "Who is that hyung?" I looked confused, "you said you were alone."
"I am that's just jin in the other room.." I gave him a look, "no he's asleep I just checked, everyone's asleep except-" I then realized what was going on...

"Kookie, I'm tired goodnight," he made a kissie face. "Weirdo," I said blushing. He shut off the camera. Well he accidentally left it on so I could see him but he couldn't see me. I decided to see what he was doing... I watch and I saw him get up while shirtless.

"Hyung we can't keep doing this.."

Doing what, I said to myself.

All of a sudden yoongi kissed him. I felt my stomach drop. I started to tear up and I just slammed the laptop shut.

Jimin's POV

"Yoongi stop!" I pushed him off. "What's wrong!" He looked upset. "I like someone else okay!"

He looked at me with tears, "oh yeah, kookie right?"
I slowly nodded.
"Fucking knew it.." He left slamming the door.

I laid down and looked at the laptop and the call was still going on but the camera was off. I heard weeping, "k-kookie?" I heard him sigh and end the call.

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