Chapter Seventy Two

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{Chapter Seventy Two}

Sophie's POV

Today's the day. Moving day. I hate to say goodbye to this place, but it looks like that is what I'm going to have to do. As I wake up, all I see around me is boxes, and not the good kind that my soccer cleats would have came in. I sit up in my bed, and see that my room looks completely deserted. I groan, but pull myself up from my bed, and walk to my bathroom. I take a quick shower, and step out. I dry myself off, and then put my robe on, so I can grab my clothes. I quickly blow dried my hair, and then changed into a pair of sweatpants, and a t-shirt. I put my hair into a loose pony tail, that is shifted a little over to the side. I then put a little make-up on. I looked at myself in the mirror, and see that the wall behind me, that used to hold all of my pictures, is now completely bare. I shake the thoughts out of my head, and slip on my Jordan's. I pull a thick headband out of my boxes, and throw it on my head, before grabbing my phone, and walking downstairs.

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