Chapter Sixty

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{Chapter Sixty}

Sophie's POV

I woke up the next morning, In a room I didn't know. I instantly started freaking out, trying to figure out what was going on. I looked around the room, and saw no one, or nothing familiar. I instantly sat up, and a huge pounding sensation rushed to my head. I screamed in pain as I put my hands on the side of my head, and the laid back down against the pillow. A few minutes later, someone burst through the door, but I couldn't tell who through my tears. They came over to my side, and sat next to me. "Shh, calm down, Sophie. Everything's okay." They said to me. It was the same familiar voice I heard not to long ago. "N-Nick?" I whispered back into his chest, as he pulled me into a hug. "Yes, sh, it's okay." He said to me over again. "Where am I?" I was able to ask him this time, as I frantically looked around the room again. "Don't worry, your in my room." He said back to me. I looked up at him confused, signaling for him to explain. "Last night after I found you crying, you blacked out, so I brought you back here. It was raining to hard to take you home, so I called you mom, and told her you were staying over here." He then explained further. I burst into tears all over again. I remember exactly why I was running. Jason. Even the thought of him in my head, made my head hurt that much more. He was the reason I blacked out. I wasn't supposed to run again for a few days, from my concussion, but I had no choice but to run from him. "Shh, Sophie. Calm down." Nick whispered to me again. "I just want to go back to Miami!" I yelled through my tears. Nick looked at me shocked. "What would make you say that!" He asked, still very calm. "Ja-" was all I could get out before I was cut off by my phone ringing. I looked down at it, and saw Jason's name come up on my screen, and a picture of us from my first night here. I looked away, and Nick looked to it. "Why won't you answer it?" He asked me. I just shook my head, and stood up. Nick looked at me once more before answering it. "Hello." He began. " yeah, she's with me... I don't think she'll want to right now... Okay... Bye." He finished, and set the phone down next to me. "He's worried about you." He said, as he stood up next to me. "He should have thought about that before he kissed her!" I said back, as the tears began falling again. "Wait! What?" Nick asked again. He voice began to raise again in anger. "Jason kissed Kylie!" I yelled through my tears. "I swear, I'm gonna.." He began, but I interrupted him. "Not do anything!" I yelled, bringing my voice to where it was louder than his.

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