Chapter Sixty One

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{Chapter Sixty One}

Sophie's POV

"Why not?" Nick asked me, as he calmed down a little and sat back down next to me. "He's not worth it." I say back to him. "Okay, I won't do anything." Nick says back to me. "Thank you." I say as I hug him. "Anything for you." He says back. "Well, we can't sit here all day so what do you want to do?" Nick then added. "I don't care." I responded. "Want to go walk around the park?" Nick asked me. "Sure, I'll just go home and change." I say, as I begin standing up. I feel myself falling backwards, just a little bit, and I instantly become dizzy again. Nick protectively stands up, and puts his hand on my back, to make sure I don't fall over. "Are you okay?" He asks me, doubtingly. "Yeah.. Yeah, I'm fine." I responded, and then continued down the steps, and back to my house. Nick was going to meet me back there in a few minutes, when he finished getting ready. My phone was still going insane from texts and calls from Jason, but he was the exact person I didn't want to talk to at the moment.

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