Legacy of A Flower: Prologue

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Third Person POV

There was once a clan, known and feared for its fierce Kekkei Genkai. Known for it's harsh, unorthodox ways of living. Children were to never cry about "stupid" things, or they'll have to face the wrath of those superior to them. It's either grow up, or don't bother showing your face.

In this particular clan there was a woman who cared for others, and confort the ones who needed a shoulder to cry on. She would shelter the weak from danger. Her actions led to a price that was to be payed. Love was weak, hate was strong. That was the philosophy. To them this woman was nothing but blasphemous. A sweet, beautiful apple in a sack of rotten pears.

She was sent away, to find somewhere else to go. No one argued, and those who thought that it was wrong.... Didn't speak. They didn't have the courage, for all who loved her, were the ones who needed strength. The strength that she gave them. Now without her, they'll just collapse into the dirt.

The ones who were superior didn't have a tinge of sympathy in their hearts at the fact that she had a baby due in a few months. 'The wretched child could suffer with her.' Was all they thought.

When she left, she went as far from there as she could. She made a promise to herself, she would return to save them. Not only to save the weak, but the strong from themselves. It was a vow set on her mind.

Once the child was born, a girl that was a spitting image of her, besides her eyes. She loved her more than anything in the world. She would trade her life for the child's happiness. Nothing could keep her from doing so. Not even death.

She named the little girl after her favorite flower, the one that she thought was the most beautiful of all... Lily.

And so Lily, and her mother traveled from place to place as happy as can be. To them everything was perfect, even if they had no place to call home. Home was where the other was.

They would train, but her mother never failed to show her happiness, kindness, and love. Even the most evil of people needed it in their lives. One thing that the woman noticed was the chakra inside of the little one. It was rather vast, and different. It was dark...

Life always had to go south. Even the best people had to face the cruelness of the world. For when Lily was nine, a cloaked man had came out of the shadows. He fought the woman until she was near her last breath. All Lily could do was watch in horror, as the scene unfolded in front of her innocent eyes.

"M-Mom!" She cried, hugging the drained woman. The woman smiled at her daughter as if the sun was still shining and she wasn't cladded in blood.

"L-Lily.... I need y-you to be brave." The woman said, keeping her voice strong for her little girl. "D-Don't let anyone change you.... A-Always find a r-reason t-to smile.." A involuntary tear slipped down the woman's cheek, as her last words to her child were said, "I-I love you.... Run!" Her mother got up shakily, ready to continue fight just enough time for her daughter to flea.

The girl was hesitant, but knew she had to heed her mother's orders. She ran, hiding her chakra in the process. Leaving the man to finish what he started. It wasn't the woman he was after, but she had gotten in the way of his objective. Those who interfere had to be eliminated.

The woman took her last breath with a smile, and the thought of her daughter rolling in her head. She always ended up in a situation where she had to pay a price. Her daughter's life was more precious to her than her own.

It was as precious to her as her son's who was only a year older. She was forced to leave him, by the clan. She wished that he will forgive her, but that was highly unlikely.

For it was the end of her journey, but the start of the children that will live on her legacy.

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