Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

“Evelyn, my child you have returned,” the lord said with a warm smile.

I nodded and walked towards him, taking in his respectable appearance. I sighed heavily; I did not want to be seeing him right now, not with the throbbing pain at the back of my head.

“Has Michael treated your wound?” he asked as I came to stand next to him.

“Yes, he has,” I replied.

Before he could speak he motioned for the angels that lingered by to leave. I knew that he cared for me much more than any of the other angels but he wouldn’t dare to admit it in front of them, as to keep the peace amongst us. Sometimes, it made me feel…unloved.

“Eve come sit with me,” he asked patting the seat that had materialised next to him.

I walked over with a heavy sigh and sat, not bothering to show any respect. I was tired and needed sleep badly, but of course to everyone else seeing the lord is much more important.

“Now tell me; how have you been?” he asked kindly.

“Fine father,” I answered.

He narrowed his eyes, “Please Evelyn, answer me honestly”.

I ignored his question, “Father, will you change your hair to white…like…” I trailed off.

He gave me a knowing look, “Yes I will, but first tell me Eve, how have you been?”

“I’ve been…okay,” I answered eventually.

He smiled and let his honey blonde hair shift colours until it became so light that it mimicked my own hair. I unconsciously touched my own hair letting the curls get tangled in my fingers…my hair was much like my mother’s, which reminded me of her every day.

“I miss her too”.

I glanced up at the lord; his soft hazel eyes were misty with sadness. I suddenly felt guilty for being so moody with him, he didn’t deserve it. He cared for me more than I knew it, and I was repaying him with typical human behaviour, ungratefulness.

“I’m sorry father,” I told him softly.

He looked up at me with a weak smile, “No it is quite understandable Evelyn, and you have a right to be angry all the time. I knew I should have explained it all to you but your mother, she just…”

“I know father,” I lied.

No I didn’t know why my mother had left. She didn’t want me perhaps? But the fact was that my mother was an angel and then just as the lord rose up and created the humans she left, becoming one of the fallen ones. She didn’t realise she was pregnant until too late so when she had me she sent me back to the lord who took me into his arms with such love and kindness that it made my heart warm up.

“Good, good Evelyn, I suspect you want to go now?” he asked me.

I smiled, “Not yet father”.

“Bite me?”

I looked at Laura who was smiling as she read out a slogan pasted against a key-ring. The key-ring she held had the slogan ‘Bite me’ on it with a picture of a vampire and wide fangs. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at that, vampires were the same as demons. Funny how my mind kept coming back to demons I thought as I made my way further into the small gift shop.

My fingers railed along the different assortment of candles; red for energy, for Archangel Gabriel; orange for tact or diplomacy, for archangel Zadkiel.  Yellow for adaptability, for archangel Urial; green for humanitarianism, for archangel Chamuel, I paused at blue. Blue for truth, for Archangel Michael, my fingers lightly brushed indigo, for wisdom, Archangel Raphael. I smiled at violet, for intuition and inspiration, archangel Jophiel.

My angelic smile, his devilish love ✔Where stories live. Discover now