Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

I pushed through the screaming crowds of humans who were destroying anything they touched. I shivered as rain pelted down against my hair, making my clothes cling tightly to my body.

“Stop as many as you can, the rest of us will go after the defectors,” Michael hissed against my ear.

I nodded and pushed through the people touching some that weren’t as enraged on the back of their necks so that they calmed down before they fled the scene. My breathing was hard and I had to force away the feeling of my wings wanting to stretch open. I raced through the crowds touching some on the necks while others I had to focus all my energy on them, cleansing their auras before going onto the next person and so on and so forth.

Suddenly I felt something heavy come crashing down against my head making me gaps out in pain. I fell forward, crumpling down onto my knees feeling blood trickle down my back. Looking up my eyes came into contact with fiery red ones. The devil himself had come to kill me off.

“Not so powerful are we now guardian angel?” his voice was heavy with cruelness, sending my heart into overdrive.

My eyes closed for a few minutes, my head spinning frantically making me dizzy beyond imaginable. When I opened my eyes again the devil was gone, nowhere to be seen.

“Evelyn, are you paying attention to me?”

I snapped my head up looking at Michael’s golden eyes that were filled with concern. Of course I was not paying any attention to him, why would I? This was a human art school, not a place for me to be in. I hated art and I hated serving the lord. I hated everything! For a few minutes I felt rage seethe into my body engulfing me from the inside and just as soon as it had come it disappeared.

“Yes I’m paying attention,” I replied softly.

Michael smiled but it didn’t quite meet his eyes, “Very well, continue with your painting”.

I watched as he walked away to some other student who was busy painting what inspired him, a waterfall. I wish I knew how to explain his picture but I’m no artist, I have no idea what to say about it.

“Hey Eve, what’s wrong?” Laura whispered after a while.

I looked at her for a moment just studying her features. She was really pretty when she wasn’t trying to look ‘Goth’ I thought silently. Her hair which was almost pitch black when I first met her somehow seemed more like brunette now, if that was possible.

“Nothing Laura,” I lied, it was my job to keep her safe not the other way around.

I looked back at my canvas; it was blank unlike everyone else’s which held beautiful masterpieces. With a sigh I picked up a pencil and began to sketch a basket, which might I add, looked hideously close to an old fashioned kettle. Drawing must really be a good stress reliever because soon I was engrossed with my drawing, even if it didn’t look anything compared to what someone in an art school would be producing, but still it made me forget about my sudden internal outburst.

“Hey Eve have you noticed how much crime there’s been lately? My mother is like freaking out about me staying alone at my apartment,” Laura complained.

I glanced over at her, “Yeah your mother might be right. There was the whole march thing that turned violent just a couple of blocks away from you”.

She shuddered, “Yeah I guess”, she glanced at the back of my head which held a bandage “I can’t believe that you got caught up in that”.

I shrugged remembering Satan, “Well Michael was there so I’m fine”.

My angelic smile, his devilish love ✔Where stories live. Discover now